According to this Office article, there are 477 functions in Excel 2016. They are distributed this way:
Category | Amount |
Statistical | 112 |
Math and trigonometry | 80 |
Financial | 55 |
Engineering | 54 |
Compatibility | 38 |
Text | 33 |
Date and time | 25 |
Lookup and reference | 24 |
Information | 20 |
Database | 12 |
Logical | 11 |
Cube | 7 |
Web | 3 |
Add-in and Automation | 3 |
Total | 477 |
The new Excel 2016 functions are shown below:
Function name | Category | Description |
IFS | Logical | Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. |
SWITCH | Logical | Evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value. If there is no match, an optional default value may be returned. |
FORECAST.ETS | Statistical | Returns a future value based on existing (historical) values by using the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm |
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT | Statistical | Returns a confidence interval for the forecast value at the specified target date |
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY | Statistical | Returns the length of the repetitive pattern Excel detects for the specified time series |
FORECAST.ETS.STAT | Statistical | Returns a statistical value as a result of time series forecasting |
FORECAST.LINEAR | Statistical | Returns a future value based on existing values |
MAXIFS | Statistical | Returns the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria |
MINIFS | Statistical | Returns the minimum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria. |
CONCAT | Text | Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, but it doesn’t provide the delimiter or IgnoreEmpty arguments. |
TEXTJOIN | Text | Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, and includes a delimiter you specify between each text value that will be combined. If the delimiter is an empty text string, this function will effectively concatenate the ranges. |
The functions that were renamed and moved to a different category are shown below:
Function name | Category | Description | Note |
BETADIST | Compatibility | Returns the beta cumulative distribution function | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
BETAINV | Compatibility | Returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a specified beta distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
BINOMDIST | Compatibility | Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
CHIDIST | Compatibility | Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
CHIINV | Compatibility | Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
CHITEST | Compatibility | Returns the test for independence | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
CONFIDENCE | Compatibility | Returns the confidence interval for a population mean | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
COVAR | Compatibility | Returns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
CRITBINOM | Compatibility | Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
FDIST | Compatibility | Returns the F probability distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
FLOOR | Compatibility | Rounds a number down, toward zero | In Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, this is a Math and trigonometry function. |
FTEST | Compatibility | Returns the result of an F-test | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
GAMMADIST | Compatibility | Returns the gamma distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
GAMMAINV | Compatibility | Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
HYPGEOMDIST | Compatibility | Returns the hypergeometric distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
MODE | Compatibility | Returns the most common value in a data set | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
NEGBINOMDIST | Compatibility | Returns the negative binomial distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
NORM.INV | Compatibility | Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
NORMDIST | Compatibility | Returns the normal cumulative distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
NORMSDIST | Compatibility | Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
NORMSINV | Compatibility | Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
PERCENTILE | Compatibility | Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
PERCENTRANK | Compatibility | Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
POISSON | Compatibility | Returns the Poisson distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
QUARTILE | Compatibility | Returns the quartile of a data set | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
RANK | Compatibility | Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
STDEVP | Compatibility | Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
TTEST | Compatibility | Returns the probability associated with a Student’s t-test | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
VAR | Compatibility | Estimates variance based on a sample | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
VARP | Compatibility | Calculates variance based on the entire population | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
WEIBULL | Compatibility | Calculates variance based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
ZTEST | Compatibility | Returns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
EXPON.DIST | Statistical | Returns the exponential distribution | In Excel 2007, this is a Statistical function. |
FORECAST | Statistical | Returns a value along a linear trend | In Excel 2016, this function is replaced with FORECAST.LINEAR as part of the new Forecasting functions, but it’s still available for compatibility with earlier versions. |