The mother of all Excel offers!

“How To Gain More New Excel Knowledge In The Next 60 Days Than You’ve Gotten In The Past DECADE...And Become The Excel Guru Of The Office (Almost Overnight)!"

“Liberated! An Excel Expert's Library Of Insider Techniques And Insights To TAKE Your Excel Skills And Career To The Next Level”

Dear Excel friend,

These are some of the “insider” Excel techniques and wisdom I wish were around when I was starting out with data earlier in my career because…

…learning even one or two of these Excel concepts would have short-cut my success by… oh… five… maybe five years. Probably more.

If you want to gain the fundamental Excel knowledge that will increase job satisfaction, make you more valuable at your office and be considered for the next promotion, impress others in the office, or put with confidence on your resume, the fundamental skills such as VBA, dashboards, PivotTables, etc., to get a better job, then read every word of this page…

…because here you can get a magic (but legitimate) shortcut to becoming an Excel Expert.

In fact, you are going to discover more Excel techniques and knowledge than you actually need.

And here’s why…

…after working for 8+ years for the biggest construction company in Latin America, I decided to share with the Excel community some of the Excel secrets I used to get a promotion over promotion and that gave me Excel guru status in the office and gained me the respect of peers and arrogant bosses.

I decided to package all my Excel books, videos, checklists, blueprints, workbooks, etc., into a convenient Excel bundle you can access immediately.

And without paying a fortune in Excel training!

Announcing The Excel Gurus Blueprints Membership (EGB).

The EGA is a community of serious Excel learners and a comprehensive library of Excel wisdom and techniques to definitely master Excel VBA and macros, dashboards, PivotTables, Data preparation, complex formulas, lookup formulas, and more.

This complete Excel resource is perfect if you want to have a reference library of insider Excel secrets you can access at any time.

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And The Excel Guru Blueprints?

I will continue to follow your seminars, and have learnt a lot - I'm not frighted of pivot tables anymore!!!! I find your training extremely useful and helpful, thank you
Lesley Forster
...PS: I’m verry glad to see you back online again”

Just wanted to say thanks for putting out such wonderful, helpful, easy-to-understand tips and instructions. You’re one of the best resources for Excel on the web! I look forward to learning about VBA!
Hi John, Let me simply state that this has been an incredible purchase and I thank you very much for it. I have downloaded most the material and need to figure out where to begin. I have opened many of the supporting files and docs, and have watched several of the videos. I could not be more pleased!

I have not had a chance to view the entire course, but I have very much enjoyed what I have seen so far. I am extremely happy with my purchase. You have given me all the tools I could possibly ever ask for! I hope that many others took advantage of your generous offer and that you and your family achieve your goals. Regards Joel
Joel Bernstein
Dear John…Really you are fascinating and have an explanation method that is highly attractive.

Your approach impressed me because it hits the point directly…
Emad Talafeha
Chemical Engineer,, Jordan
Dear John, …I want you to know how blessed I am meeting someone like you with this craft of yours…!

It’s really helpful and easy to understand. Nothing more to say, Ill keep this for life and share with my colleagues…

Wish you the best of everything through the years to come. Muchas Gracias.
Garry Pasan
Student, USA
Just downloaded 1.3 GB of your tutorials. Wow!…Still, your Excel teachings are the most developed & logical of any I’ve experienced or tried.

Hope I can go straight thru them this time & grow from a medium expertise in Excel to mastery, with your help.
Gary Williams

What’s different from other Excel courses out there?

Most of the Excel courses out there are all about memorizing techniques and functions. And most courses out there don’t go deeper into the actual understanding of the context, psychology, mechanics and nuances of the Excel commands and tools (when used in real situations).

The EGB lessons will improve your thought process because they show you how to think like Excel and how to implement the tools and techniques step by step using simple language you can understand.

Most of the Excel courses are not organized toward higher education. The EGB takes you from intermediate to guru on the crucial Excel skills such as VBA, dashboards, pivotables, advanced formulas, data cleaning, etc.

I put solid ground under your feet because I know we can’t go further if we know something halfway. I know that if you master the fundamentals of Excel, the rest will follow. You will understand all the ramifications and use the Excel tools in any situation.

Other courses about macros, pivottables, dashboards, and formulas assume you know a lot of things. I don’t take anything for granted that you should know. I explain it the way it is done to a kid.

And the programs are organized as blueprints so you implement what you learn to beat deadlines and complex projects.

What do you get when you become a member of the Excel Guru Blueprints complete program

After you enroll, you get instant access to:

500+ in-depth lessons

You get immediate access to my private community forum and 500+ Excel Guru lessons that will show everything you need to know about VBA and Macros, PivotTables, Dashboards, VLOOKUP, Advanced Formulas, and much more…

50+ Practice workbooks

More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the programs)


Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey

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Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area

Megaformula, macros, pivottables, dashboards building blueprints

Make meaningful progress in reasonable time by following some proven blueprints that will get your complex formulas done

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In this comprehensive Excel library, you will learn:

My most guarded VBA and macros guru secrets

  • Understand Excel VBA once for all with intuitive, friendly and jargon-free explanations that just make sense. This course is written by an Excel user for Excel users, not for developers). Learn programming using simple language you can understand. For example, understand algorithms using a friendly monkey, the object model using an analogy that involves trees and fishes :). Explain these complex concepts to your coworkers and boss with total confidence.
  • Connect the dots about how Excel VBA works by starting from the most basic fundamentals (programming background). Understand algorithms, the pillar programming concept, which regular Excel VBA training programs assume you already know. This new knowledge will build up your confidence to complete New and Challenging assignments
  • Fully understand Excel VBA language so you write programming expressions your computer understands. Analogies with English are used extensively, so you see VBA is not that complicated. No more trial and error to get a macro that gets the job done. Get rid of your limitations due to your limited VBA knowledgemake sense of error messages as you write and avoid errors from the ground up
  • How to create Excel Macros that work for variable size arrays and sheets. Learn how to iterate through cells, rows, and columns in your sheets. Learn how to use loops that literally think and know where to start and when to stop processing information. And use this knowledge to process big spreadsheets with a mouse click!
  • How to find the best solution and the syntax for your macros. When you implement flowcharting right, you become a professional who always knows which is the best way to start your macros, how to find the VBA code and structure of simple to complex VBA macro projects (even at an enterprise level). You also increase your confidence to tackle bigger automation projects because your planning and design skills will make macros simple to write and read (decreasing debugging time and effort). This is another critical concept regular Excel VBA training programs assume you already know. When you gain this knowledge, you will design your own macros to reduce the workload to almost half and will become a valuable asset for your company
  • How to code common Excel routines like how to work with ranges, how to work with sheets and workbooks, etc. Code templates provided!
  • Know the main VBA functions you can use. List of main available functions provided! so you know instantly which functions exist
  • How to communicate with other applications using VBA: Access, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, etc. Code templates provided! Gain Prestige creating powerful applications such as one that prepares the weekly presentation out of many Excel workbooks, or another one that creates contracts in Microsoft Word out of Excel tables
  • How to find the full syntax of VBA expressions to control any aspect of Excel objects: Charts, Pivot Tables, Sheets, Workbooks, etc. A one-line template is provided that works with every object of ExcelIt’s something like fill in the blank template. Speed up the time to complete a job and do it minutes because you will be able to write simple lines of VBA code that do tens of boring tasks for you. Don’t work late anymore
  • Demystify the scary Excel Object model using a simple analogy that makes perfect sense. This knowledge is critical to know the full VBA syntax of your automation instructions. Also, download the object model organized in a friendly mind map, so you have the big picture of all Excel VBA objects you can use and how to access them. Be Praised And Admired by your coworkers and boss who still don’t get it
  • Easy VBA examples so you see how the concepts are implemented in real situations.
  • Get access to more than 150 done-for-you macros to do the most essential Excel tasks in VBA. Find the VBA code for your projects. And learn the best coding techniques from proven macros written by me, from other experts and curated from forums. Access to practical macros such as:
    • How to copy data from one range to another sheet
    • How to copy data to a new workbook and save it
    • How to merge two cells that match certain criteria
    • How to merge many sheets
    • How to merge books in a folder
    • How to save a book with a different name
    • How to close all open books
    • How to open the books in a folder
    • How to send the active sheet as pdf by email
    • How to loop through the cells of a column
    • How to loop through the cells of a row
    • How to loop through books, charts, etc
    • How to loop through PivotTables
    • How to loop through PivotTable fields and items
    • How to import an Access table/query into the current sheet
    • How to get the path of workbooks and files
    • How to create a filesystem object that allows you accessing to any directory using VBA
    • How to create a file on a folder
    • and much more!
  • Discover the 7 step simple blueprint to write macros of any size and complexity with ease
  • Get started before you are ready using proven macro templates and psychology that will help you make progress despite the doubts, lack of knowledge, lack of time, lack of confidence, etc. You can use these macro templates to name your macros, to lay out your macros, etc. Turn chaos into order and stagnation into movement. See progress in the macro development work right from the start
  • Discover how to think like a developer and find code alternatives to choose from. This practical developer mindset is part of the DNA of the SMWS program and will get you more macros written that you will ever need.
  • Discover the 5 basic building blocks of every operational macro that you need to put together if you want to ensure the best use of your valuable time (blueprint provided). This is a blueprint you can follow to create operational Excel macros in minimum time. This structure will also help you make your macros more manageable (never again abandon a project due to the fear of complexity and viability). Create structured macros that are scalable, reusable and easy to integrate into other projects and workbooks
  • Develop the confidence to accomplish bigger tasks that will make your boss consider you for a promotion, get a better job or start your own lucrative Excel VBA consulting firm or freelance career
  • Also, discover how to design a macro blueprint that you and your clients will immediately understand. No more wasted time trying to remember how your macros work or trying to explain to others how your macros work. Don’t be lost in the dark in the middle of VBA code of in-progress Excel macros
  • How to structure a macro in a way that you can keep evolving it, easily control the versions, etc. You never have time to write a full macro in one sitting, so with this macro blueprint, you can retake your projects where you left them because you have a consistent structure that guides you and you always know that the macro was originally intended for.
  • Learn how to break down big projects into manageable pieces so they are easier to develop and maintain (simple macro structure templates provided). If you have old Excel macros you have spent a lot of time coding but never became operational, you can bring them back to life by adding some structure to it
  • Learn how to make your macros dynamic so you code only once for permanent use by you and others even if your macros face different spreadsheet sizes and situations
  • Leverage your Excel VBA code across ALL your macros (not just one) because you develop a solid structure that is shared by all your macros and projects. Develop a library of macros you can use to automate the operation of your business and organization or to start a consulting VBA firm
  • How to avoid a macro monster that you will abandon using a simple debugging tip
  • How to make your macros accessible to you and others. Learn how to anchor your macros to Excel buttons, shortcuts, ribbon, etc. right on the boss’s and customers’ desktops
  • Improve recorded macros. Use the macro blueprints and templates to remove unnecessary code and add structure to your recorded macros 
  • Learn how to rewrite your macros for simplicity and change
  • Adapt other macros to your style

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And The VBA And Macros Courses?

Hi John, I really enjoy your SMWS course. I find it very informative and easy to understand although I sometimes struggle to understand your accent. I have purchased some of your previous products and really enjoyed them as well.
Looking forward to more!!
I am currently in area (somewhere in West Africa) with very limited internet so progress is a bit slow.
JT Potgieter
Flight Paramedic
You have developed fabulous Excel VBA training. Thank you very much for creating this content so people can learn from your sage wisdom.
Ann Thompson
I like your formalized structure for macro writing. I have done some of my own macros but it has always been more seat of the pants development.
Jeff B.
Student, USA
I have personally reviewed the program which is designed in a way to learn VBA quickly and easiest manner. The best part is the step by step approach and numerous examples which are very important for a beginner. The learning from this program will definitely improve your productivity and efficiency at work.”
Ayush Jain
Microsoft MVP, India
I enjoy the way the information is presented in the lessons. Very easy to understand unlike most of the material I have found on VBA programming.
Anita McLain
Student, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Hi John, The presentation and content get better with each tutorial. I am finally beginning to understand VBA. Well done, keep up the good work.
Alan Smith
Student, USA
Dear Dr. John Great presentation for this tutorial (How to manipulate Excel objects – parentheses mine). Frankly, I have read many books about VBA and could not feel that I really got the meaning of the presented concepts. Your way of presenting these concepts was amazing. Thanks a lot for this great help
Emad Talafeha
Student, India
Very simple, clear explanations of VBA concepts. You are a good Professor. I think you will be a famous person in the future. I haven’t seen like these explanations before, it’s very good thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Student, India
Hi John, I downloaded your ebook 'How To Save Maximum Time In Excel With Minimum VBA Knowledge And Macro Coding' last night and found the information great.
The organization where I do the course through has been very little help in this area and only has information on Excel 2003 (Can u believe that??). Anyway, your information was much more helpful than anything MS had online - it was great…
Thanks again for helping me and everyone else. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Kind regards
Student, USA

My most guarded PivotTables guru secrets

  • How to do a PivotTable step by step, the guru way
  • The silent Excel behavior outsiders never notice, which every PivotTable guru should know to reduce anxiety during the analysis and presentation of long and complex tables. If you want to PLAY with big tables, then this is for you
  • The power of understanding and using Pivot Tables. You will see how you can be in control of your data, your work and so your life
  • The secret 7 PivotTables perspectives that will give you the right mindset to take advantage of this data analysis and presentation technology. Develop the mindset, concepts, and techniques that will make you truly understand Pivot Tables and win the “big tables” game. Go beyond the oversimplified how-to PT training tailored to the masses and get deeper into secret Pivot Tables and data analysis insights that many Excel gurus never unveil because they have a big ego to satisfy
  • How to gain experience with PivotTables in minimum time by learning the fundamentals, not just the how-to of dragging fields. If you master the PivotTables fundamentals, the rest will followDon’t be part of the horde of people doing painful trial and error, hoping their random “fields dragging and dropping” will produce the customized and impressive reports they want
  • How to prepare your data for PivotTables. Learn what kind of tables are suitable for Pivoting. Discover in what format the source data should be put to analyze it. If you want to take advantage of PivotTables, you must work with the right kind of tables
  • The two types of fields present in every source data. This simple concept will simplify the understanding of PivotTables
  • What the best locations for each field type on the PivotTable canvas are.  Never again get confused as to which fields to drag to what section
  • How to present the data that is relevant and show trends. Show multiple views easily. See data by date, subject, and unit at the same time
  • How to turn big tables into simple reports quickly and easily. Understand the fine points and tricks such as how to show less/more detail without trial and error, etc.
  • Simplify the creation of fully customized analysis and reports following proven PivotTable report blueprints. Discover how to exactly drag and drop the fields to show the metrics that you want such as top 10 products/students/projects/employees, total sales/cost per product and by quarter/month/week, etc.
  • How to keep the PivotTable formatting on updating (an entire module is focused on this). Learn the single command and the two techniques to keep the PivotTable layout and format between refreshes
  • Techniques to avoid Excel slowing down and locking up because of a large amount of data (an entire module is focused on this)
  • How to create Pivot Charts step by step
  • How to navigate an existing PivotTable report without messing it up
  • How to remove fields to simplify a PT report
  • How to drag fields to a PivotTable canvas without messing it up (creating wide unreadable sheets)
  • How to manage more than one PivotTable report in the same sheet or workbook
  • How to edit and format an existing PivotTable without breaking it
  • How to show multiple views of the same data source without increasing the file size
  • Learn the concepts through varied samples across many industries and purposes: finance & accounting, marketing & sales, engineering, HR, operations, education, government, etc.

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And PivotTable Courses?

"I'm not frighted of pivot tables anymore!!!!"

"My main role involves working with an MS Access Database, and exporting details from that via queries/reports to spreadsheets for distribution to various sections of our company.

However, I have recently taken on producing a dashboard for our team, which is shared with the government as well as the business! At the moment the dashboard is made up of lots of worksheets which produce tables on a “Dashboard” worksheet. There is a lot of work manipulating the data to produce an easily readable, meaningful and understandable dashboard for varying levels of management.

The Pivot Tables Seminar has given me lots of ideas of how the dashboard can be better produced, and hopefully be more dynamic rather than a monthly task! I’m not a data analyst but find manipulating the data on a dashboard to be fun (as far as work is!).

I will continue to follow your seminars, and have learnt a lot - I'm not frighted of pivot tables anymore!!!!

I find your training extremely useful and helpful, thank you"

Lesley Forster

"Categories and Data has been my big step forward."

I worked through the first half of one of the videos last night... What has really helped me is the point you make about the data items in the raw data being either Categories or Data. As soon as I thought about it, that made sense of a lot of my past experiences with PTs.

Obviously, my learning style is such that I need to “see” a pattern or organization in the data structure. “Categories and Data” slotted straight into that need. The box, fruit, and vegetables didn’t help me at all, but then I knew that idea of sorting and grouping from previous work on PTs in a past existence. But horses for courses, Categories and Data has been my big step forward.

And having the spreadsheet to play with, to try things out, has been great. It is much richer in Categories than anything I might have created for myself, and so makes it easier for me to see patterns emerging as I tick successive boxes on the right-hand side.

Many thanks for a good program.


Chris Reynolds
IT Support Officer, USA

“…a different insight I am thankful for”

“That was a different insight I am thankful for. It does underline the difference between excel and pivot tables. The hist video is indeed an anchor for every user”

Jan D.

"...You have opened my eyes."

"Thank you, John. You have opened my eyes."

James Gibbons

My most guarded data handling and Dashboards guru secrets

How to design dashboards secrets…
  • How to design Excel dashboards. Learn what to include in your dashboard to make it appealing to upper management and end users
  •  The 5 fundamentals to present data creatively, meaningfully, beautifully and professionally
  • Step by step design framework to build any dashboard project without unnecessary rework and making decision makers love and use your dashboards
  • Learn how to lay out your dashboards professionally: know how to present data to upper management, know how to choose colors, fonts, etc, know how to layout your reports so users are engaged, know what data to present and what data to omit (avoiding embarrassment with upper management people), know the elements that go on every professional dashboard
  • Know 3 single questions you should ask before you create any dashboard. If you don’t ask these questions you will be never be taken seriously by managers and decision-makers. This simple technique also empowers you to please different managers and users
  • Know how to grab dashboard users attention. Know where to put the data in relation to the charts. Learn what data to highlight, what data to hide. And convert your managers into addict users of your dashboards
  • Obtain general ideas of initial dashboard design & setup
  • Present data in a way that decision makers love. Know how to identify their motives and present exactly what they want. Contribute to the bottom line of your organization, helping decision makers to understand data, track, analyze, forecast, etc major business functions. Help identify problems and opportunities in your business. Inform managers about business performance
  • Establish your professional leadership with improved communication/reporting skills. Enhance your reputation as a data presentation expert
Interactive and dynamic dashboard techniques…
  • More than 30 step-by-step and illustrated explanations (with commented practice Excel files) that will empower you to learn a new dashboard technique literally in minutes. Implement any new technique while you read, with easy to follow explanations. You have the ability to focus on the techniques that matter to you until you fully implement them. Your coworkers will think you have a private dashboard coach teaching you these secrets
  • How to present the data you want to users, implementing friendly controls: option buttons, check boxes, scroll bars, etc. Become popular among decision makers when they start feeling special customizing the reports as they want
  • How to pull data at once using common functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH. If you have not mastered these functions yet, you will also get an intuitive explanation of how these formulas work. Empower people to have real-time access to database information in Excel (without using complicated database connections)
  • Know how to limit data entry and so avoid report crashing and learn how to do it in several ways: using data validation, protecting your sheets, etc. Don’t be afraid anymore that your reports will crash in the hands of end-users
  • Learn how to animate charts simply with dynamic datasets (no need of macros. Only lookups). These techniques will set you apart from the horde of people who use Excel as a plain spreadsheet
  • Avoid using these techniques in the wrong scenarios by knowing the main pitfalls of each technique
  • How to create movie animations using simple VBA code (VBA template provided). This technique will set you apart from the majority of Excel users who only know rudimentary animation techniques
  • Obtain general ideas of initial design & setup
  • Learn how to create a great user’s experience, giving the user the ability to adjust the data they are viewing. Build truly interactive and friendly dashboards users can literally change on the fly. Learn how to change charts, pivot tables, Excel on the go, just by pressing friendly buttons. I provide VBA code templates to make this easier
  • Prevent users crash your reports by protecting the key areas of your dashboards. Have peace of mind your reports will work as expected no matter the degree of heavy use they are exposed to
Vlookup and Index & Match secrets…
  • How to understand and remember VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH syntax and how to write them like a pro. Develop an intuitive way to look at the lookup arguments that just sticks, even if you don’t use these formulas often. Develop the confidence and right frame of mind to use VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH in a broad range of data scenarios, from pulling data to moving data between sheets
  • How to prepare the data before using VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH so you trust the results you get and can send crucial reports with total confidence to upper management or customers. If you want to stand out from the data newbies crowd, this data quality skill will make you a trusted data professional
  • How to systematically setup the VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH formulas so you trust the results you get, even if you get the infamous #N/As (sometimes they are right). No more trial and error to find the sources of errors like #N/A and #VALUE. No more frustration when you get unexpected error results because now you know exactly where to look at to locate the error. Detailed lookup implementation checklist provided
  • You will learn the SPECIFIC situations where you can use these formulas in. Learn how to lookup texts, dates and numbers, what types of tables are not suitable for VLOOKUP, what kind of tables are not suitable to lookup formulas (avoid dealing with duplicate results). Increase your confidence to deal with challenging data scenarios
  • How to troubleshoot lookup problems. This is specially helpful when you have data and reports from other sources. Learn how to find and fix non-matching errors (#N/A) and other typical errors as well (#REF!, #VALUE). Learn how to diagnose and solve typical problems like extra spaces, numbers stored as texts, weird and undetectable characters, etc. You will never ever be in the dark and doubt anymore when you don’t get a matching. Checklist provided so you always deliver results, even if you face challenging data projects
  • Step by step instructions to make multiple column/criteria VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH formulas. This is specially helpful when you want to get a match by more than one column, for example, if first name and last name are in separate columns
  • See closely how lookup formulas work in real scenarios using the practice files. Secretly put your hands on done-for-you lookup files where you can explore how these concepts are put into practice
  • You get 50+ dashboard formula templates that will show you how to pull out single items from tables using simple and complex criteria (using VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, Array Formulas), how to pull out summarized values from tables (using COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, Array Formulas), how to pull arrays using VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, Array Formulas.

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And The Dashboard Courses?

"The book can teach you some really awesome tricks and help you become better at writing lookup formulas"

"I recommend the "How to Extract Information from Excel Tables" book for anyone working on Excel to manage and report data. The book can teach you some really awesome tricks and help you become better at writing lookup formulas.

That, my dear reader is the easiest way to impress everyone at work and get things done."

Chandoo, India
I love the way you are breaking things down and getting my brain working and improving my thought process.
Hi John, I just bought your dashboards book. It looks very good and a new innovative way to view things!!
I love the way you are breaking things down and getting my brain working and improving my thought process.
Rob R.
I wanted to say…Thank-you for such a beneficial, enjoyable and teaching style for conveying this lookup material. After completing this program I finally completed a 10 year quest in understanding Excel data management.
I was so excited in connecting the dots that I could not pull myself away from the data manipulation of some old databases for the last 72 hours. Thank-you for a quality product.”
Phil Egan
Corpus Christi, Texas
Thanks for highlighting the core thinking behind creating management report.
Thanks for highlighting the core thinking behind creating management report.
Some time we are involved technical parts and miss out management point of view.
Thanks again for sharing such a thought.

"I must say that this is very valuable content. I have used many Excel tutorial books when I was starting off but yours is leagues above.
I never thought that somebody could give the Lookup function so much thought and studied it so much in depth. We could definitely benefit from your mega work.

What I like best in your book is the language; I really like the free flow expression of ideas through practical and easy to relate to illustrations…"

Abhishek Raju
Lead Researcher at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore Area, India

Your book is my ”lookup bible"

"I view myself as an expert when it comes to Excel and using formulas, at least I thought so until I read your book. From a Vlookup perspective, I was very comfortable but your book goes beyond the basic Vlookup.

In my work with data tables, If the table was not in the right format to fit a Vlookup, I would arrange the data so that it would work.

After reading your book I am much more comfortable with a number of ways to lookup values from a table. Your book is my ”lookup bible”.

The ease of use of the book is very helpful and very friendly to use especially the How To with "the needle and haystack"

Harold Grady

Analyst Professional


Harold Grady
Data Analyst, Boston

My most guarded Excel Formulas guru secrets

  • The silent Excel behavior outsiders never notice, which every Megaformula writer should know so they stop pulling their hair during errors and to reduce anxiety during the writing of long and complex formulas. If you want to go beyond level 3 of nesting with absolute confidence, then this is for you
  • A simple two-step technique to find any untraceable error on any megaformula. Well, only those who are aware of the silent Excel behavior I mentioned above can perform this technique successfully
  • 3 proven step-by-step nesting function techniques
  • How to be aware of unknown and advanced functions. Learn how to organize the 477 Excel functions into powerful groups and stop asking, which functions should I use?
  • Which functions can be nested together and which ones can’t be nested together. Yes, discover which are the good and bad associations you must avoid
  • How to manage parentheses and commas
  • How to figure out which formula would work best for your particular situation
  • How to check the results of intermediate steps. Learn how to use this technique in the middle of the writing or during the editing process
  • How to check the results of intermediate steps without creating intermediate columns that look unprofessional
  • Quickly figure out why your nested IF formula does not work
  • How to navigate a megaformula without messing it up. Learn how to easily position your cursor at the right spot to highlight the function, the arguments and how to select them without using the mouse so you never leave parenthesis out
  • How to quickly copy any nested function without dealing with the error-prone manual parentheses selection. Get rid of the insecurity of incomplete parentheses during your copying and pasting operations
  • How to simplify the writing and editing of complex and long formulas
  • A simple keyboard shortcut to make long formulas easier to read
  • Two commands to make a long formula shorter
  • How to manage more than 3 IF conditions
  • The two logical functions you can use to simplify IF megaformulas
  • How to edit an existing megaformula without breaking it
  • How to make additions to an existing megaformula without breaking it
  • How to get a failed megaformula working
  • How to preserve a megaformula on copying and moving
  • How to understand and remember VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH syntax and how to write them like a pro. Develop an intuitive way to look at the lookup arguments that just sticks, even if you don’t use these formulas often. Develop the confidence and right frame of mind to use VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH in a broad range of data scenarios, from pulling data to moving data between sheets
  • How to prepare the data before using VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH so you trust the results you get and can send crucial reports with total confidence to upper management or customers. If you want to stand out from the data newbies crowd, this data quality skill will make you a trusted data professional
  • How to systematically set up the VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH formulas so you trust the results you get, even if you get the infamous #N/As (sometimes they are right). No more trial and error to find the sources of errors like #N/A and #VALUE. No more frustration when you get unexpected error results because now you know exactly where to look at to locate the error. Detailed lookup implementation checklist provided
  • You will learn the SPECIFIC situations where you can use these formulas in. Learn how to look up texts, dates, and numbers, what types of tables are not suitable for VLOOKUP, what kind of tables are not suitable for lookup formulas (avoid dealing with duplicate results). Increase your confidence to deal with challenging data scenarios
  • How to troubleshoot lookup problems. This is especially helpful when you have data and reports from other sources. Learn how to find and fix non-matching errors (#N/A) and other typical errors as well (#REF!, #VALUE). Learn how to diagnose and solve typical problems like extra spaces, numbers stored as texts, weird and undetectable characters, etc. You will never ever be in the dark and doubt anymore when you don’t get a matching. Checklist provided so you always deliver results, even if you face challenging data projects
  • Step by step instructions to make multiple column/criteria VLOOKUP and INDEX and MATCH formulas. This is especially helpful when you want to get a match by more than one column, for example, if first name and last name are in separate columns
  • See closely how lookup formulas work in real scenarios using the practice files. Secretly put your hands on done-for-you lookup files where you can explore how these concepts are put into practice
  • and much more!

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And The Advanced Formulas Courses?

Hi John,

I got through the document and learned some new ways to think about formulas. Also looking forward to your upcoming chapters!...

Thanks again!

John B. Schuyler
Idaho, USA

Good evening John,

I have downloaded the information and look forward to increasing my knowledge of Excel. Thank you very much for presenting these formulas classes. I only wish I had found them much earlier.

Thomas Dame

Hi, John,

I’m done with it already. It was easy to read and comprehend. I feel like I already knew most of the info, but it was nice to have it laid out step by step like you did it.

This is one step closer to my dream Excel learning idea: a set of Lego-like puzzle pieces that can be discretely moved around to fit the various possible configurations…such as, the Range “object” and the Range “property” for example. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Thanks for all you do.

Best Regards,

Tom Watkins

I haven’t seen anyone using analogies to simplify Excel formula understanding.

Thank you for making the Megaformulas course. This has definitely improved my understanding on how formulas work. The best part of the course is the analogies used to explain the concept for clear understanding. I haven’t seen anyone using analogies to simplify Excel formula understanding.

The MMF is not only for Excel learners but also for masters to help improve understanding methodically.

3 new things I learned:

1. The importance of order of operators and parenthesis. This is very important for Mega formula construction and accuracy of the results.

2. Using the function wizard for finding bugs or errors in mega formulas and also to compute intermediate results of a function used in large formulas.

3. The simple techniques to build effective mega formulas (one example being how to remove external references in a mega formulas quickly)

3 doubts/fears I removed

1. Managing spreadsheet with Mega formula or nested formulas was a painful exercise, particularly when those excel workbooks were created by someone else. Now I know the techniques to deal with them…thank you John

2. Index and Match formulas were always tough for me to understand, MMF had made it really simple and easy to realize the power of these two functions combined together.

3. Nesting function itself was a complex thing earlier. Now I have much better clarity about nesting formulas due to the tip to see excel functions as connectors and arguments as ports (this simple analogy brings so much clarity)

I am already working on a spreadsheet now to use index and match to populate results / calculations automatically. I am also planning to merge few workbooks as a single workbook by using the technique of removal of external references. I will also use the bonus function library provided towards this.

The simplicity of your language with perfect analogies can only be found in your books / courses. The workbooks provided are also very useful to practically see the impact of a MMF.

Thank you for yet another gem from EGB…. In short a must have course for any Excel user.

Please have a great day.

Rajesh Dugar
Chennai, India

My most guarded Excel guru secrets

  • My Excel Secrets Newsletter Archive (ESNA) containing insider knowledge of 20+ years of Excel journey. Get inspiration and wisdom about the crucial Excel topics like dashboards, VBA, PivoTables, formulas and Excel mastery, etc.
  • Get access to a convenient pdf file with more than 200 pages of insider Excel knowledge (organized by categories). Inside you will find issues that will open your mind such as
    • How Excel gets in your way to learn PivotTables
    • How to put your data in the right structure for PivotTables
    • The secrets of mastering Excel in 2017 and beyond
    • How to break free from repetition in Excel
    • This magic macro trick might put a smile on your face
    • Are your dashboard formulas magnetic?
    • What the hell is a PowerQuery?
    • and 40 more Excel secrets newsletter issues!
  • What are the 10% of commands, functions, and techniques to do 90% of Excel core tasks such as data collection and preparation, dashboards, writing and troubleshooting formulas, automation and customization. You will discover the essential commands in the ribbon and in the Query Editor (Power Query) and the few 20 functions that are indispensable for most of Excel heavy data and formulas work
  • The most popular situations where this 10% of commands and functions are used. You will love this information if you like to learn by following examples. No theory here but only the practical application of the key Excel tools
  • The 15 dashboard functions you should learn
  • How to make your Excel macros appear in the ribbon
  • What simple actions you can perform to uncover features that are forever hidden to the general Excel user
  • How to get more uses from any single command! (You’ll be amazed when you learn this!)
  • A simple and evergreen technique to explore any new Excel feature or command in minimum time
  • How to speed up formatting and reformatting of data
  • and much more…

What Are Others Saying About John Franco And His Excel Guru Secrets?

"A friend just suggested I sign up for your Excel emails..."

A friend just suggested I sign up for your Excel emails, but I cannot find a Subscribe link on the page about the newsletter! How/where can I sign up? (Or can you sign me up?!).


...a colleague forwarded me one of your emails yesterday with a note that as a “power user” of Excel, I should sign up to get them – as I’m always looking for more ways to get Excel to do more (and me less!  I wish!) I was excited to see the info. I’ll be sure to check out all your offerings through your site.

Enjoy the day.

Best Regards.

Anne McKivergan
Boston, USA

How much should you invest in this comprehensive Excel mastery program?

You might be able to figure it all out on your own. Eventually.

Or you can take advantage of the 10+ years John’s already invested in hard work, researching, even meditating on the Excel fundamentals, testing and implementing Excel techniques.

There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your own life attempting to cover this same trial-and-error ground.

The Excel knowledge is scattered through books, forums, and blogs and synthesizing that information requires lots of work and motivation. You might spend months and end up with partial knowledge because gurus don’t have time to mentor you along the way and usually they don’t expose everything they know.

If you can get a better job or a promotion with these in-demand data skills, the price of this Excel bundle is ridiculous.

If you get the programs separately, you would pay USD 1000+.

Today you won’t pay even $500

If you act now, you get access to The “Excel Guru Bundle” program and bonuses for only…


You risk nothing

If within 30 days of purchase, you follow the Excel Guru Blueprints lessons, do the homework and cannot implement these techniques to build interactive and dynamic Excel dashboards, write your own macros from scratch, extract information from tables using VLOOKUP and INDEX&MATCH, analyzing and presenting data using PivotTables, write and debug complex formulas, or if you simply didn’t like the material, just ask a refund and you will get your money back, no questions asked.

I have been selling information products online since 2011 to thousands of professionals from around the world.

Just contact us (use the subject “refund”). Will take care of it.

What else do you get?

Bonus material

You also get 12 amazing Excel bonuses:
  • Bonus # 1- Excel Object Model Blueprint
  • Bonus # 2 – Dynamic Macro Recording Formula
  • Bonus # 3 – Recorded Macro Performance’s Optimization Formula
  • Bonus # 4 – How to Design Excel Dashboards – 5 fundamentals to present data creatively, meaningfully, beautifully and professionally
  • Bonus #5 – How To Create and Modify Excel Charts Using VBA
  • Bonus #6 – How To Create, Setup And Format Pivot Tables Using VBA
  • Bonus # 7 – Macros Influence Tutorial – The secrets of convincing management and everyone in the office to let you write macros
  • Bonus # 8 – Simple Macros Flowchart Tutorial
  • Bonus # 9 – Intelligent VBA Error Trapping Templates
  • Bonus # 10 –  Pivot Table Data Success Blueprint – The Secrets Of High-Quality PivotTable Data And Reliable Reporting And Dashboarding
  •  Bonus # 11 –  The Excel Functions Finder (EFF) – I have synthesized the Microsoft Excel 2016 functions scattered help into one single database you can sort, filter, pivot, and enrich at your convenience (using the simple and familiar Excel filtering and list tools).
  • Bonus # 12 – How To Keep Your Megaformulas Free Of Errors
  • Bonus # 13 – Excel Guru Visualization Templates – Awaken your inner guru and access your magical powers. You just need to read the templates for some minutes and let your inner guru guide you to making that new reality happens. This set of templates will help you feed your inner mind with powerful images of:
    • your new normal using dashboards, pivottables, macros, lookups, advanced formulas, etc
    • your new social normal reality in your office and life
    • your new normal as a beginner, intermediate or expert user
    • your new job-related normal (getting a better job, promotions, etc)
    • and much more!

Is the EGB membership for you?

If you want to start your Excel guru journey, the EGB library can make you a guru because it covers everything from scratch using simple, intuitive and in-depth lessons.

If you consider an Excel expert or guru and want to take your skills to the next level, you know that Excel Gurus don’t know VBA, lookups, advanced formulas, dashboards, pivottables, charts, halfway.  If you know something halfway or you need an edge, the EGA will help you deepen your Excel knowledge.

The Excel Gurus Blueprint Membership is for you if you want any of these things…

  • Impress your boss and everyone in the office
  • Achieve self-realization through work
  • Earn more money with a new job or promotion
  • Help others in the office
  • Compete for and get high-level job/contracts/gigs
  • Make your reputation justifies your salary
  • Express your creativity
  • Have more confidence to face real world problems and to solve the problems by yourself
  • Be seen as an authority
  • Want to solve a particular bug or problem of your project
  • Make better decisions, support the decision making process
  • Upgrade your skills, your capacity
  • Show superiority to others
  • Relate to your intellectualism (not alienation)
  • Enjoy your work
  • Escape the long workweek
  • Break free from soul-crushing projects and deadlines
  • Be ahead of deadlines
  • Escape the automatism of the Excel work
  • Be the go-to person for anybody with an Excel/data/dashboard related problem
  • Be in demand in the marketplace
  • Fill the voids, know things in deep

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Is my payment secure?

Your payment is processed through a secure URL. All payments for EGB products are processed by FastSpring, a United States-based e-commerce partner specialized in safe and secure internet sales. FastSpring complies with the PCI standard and regulations and securely processes sensitive data. Get started now

What payment methods are available?

Depending on your location, you can pay using: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, UnionPay, Debit card, PayPal, Amazon card, Wire transfer. Get started now

What happens if I don’t like the material or if it’s too advanced/basic for me?

Don’t risk a penny. You are covered by my unconditional money-back guarantee. If you don’t like the material, you just send me an email (subject: Refund) and I will issue a refund immediately.

Get started now

Should I follow a schedule?

There’s no need to commit to rigid schedules and curriculum neither a bossy teacher watching over your shoulders. After you enroll, you are free to complete the course at your own pace.

So, you are free to take advantage of this generous offer and procrastinate a little bit in your study.

Get started now

How does the order and enrollment process work?

After you place your Order, you are automatically enrolled into the EGA. Within minutes after your purchase, you receive a Welcome email containing your credentials to access your private members’ area at any time and from any device (desktop computer, laptop computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.). Get started now

How do I get support?

You can open a support ticket at any time. You have email support for 12 months. You can also get answers in the forum. You have lifetime access the material. Get started now

How Does The Guarantee Work?

Try out the Excel Guru Blueprints community for 30 days. If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with it, simply send me an email at john@excelgurublueprints.con, and I’ll refund your money.

No questions asked. No fine print.

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