"Imagine...You Can Be Ahead Of The Next Arbitrary Deadline Just By Pressing Some Buttons!"
To busy professionals and consultants who want to automate the data collection, data analysis and data formatting of daily and weekly tasks (without the hassle of trial-and-error needed to make macros work)
From: John Franco, Excel author
At my desk, Tuesday, 8 AM
Dear Excel friend,
If you want to use macros that will finally break you free from the chains of ‘time & energy sucking projects’ but the lack of time to figure out the exact VBA syntax, the complex syntax itself and the lack of relevant VBA examples, have always prevented you from getting started, then this is the most important message you will ever read…
…because today you will discover that getting started with Excel macros or finishing your macro projects for being much ahead of deadlines is not complicated if you have the essential VBA code at hand.
It is embarrassing for an Excel guru like me to admit it but the truth is that…
…finding the essential VBA syntax that will get the job done is more about STEALING than creativity…
…I really mean it…
…learning and using VBA have given me freedom and professional prestige beyond all my wildest visualizations but still today, with all my understanding of the VBA language and macro programming techniques, I don’t know how to do all the most basic Excel things in VBA. I know how VBA works like I know my mother tongue but fact are facts…
…finding a truthful and concise macro expression that does the job, requires the hassle of trial and error (a lot of editing, testing, tweaking, debugging, etc.), not just knowledge.
Don’t get me wrong. Excel VBA helps us express creativity but when it comes to getting things done, I prefer taking advantage of proven macro code and adapt it to my needs because of three main reasons…
#1 finding the right code for your macros requires long cycles of thinking, writing, rewriting and debugging.
Even if one makes a coding decision, the VBA syntax is prone to errors and one ends up doubting our judgment and that’s not fun.
If our macro module is blank, the source of every new piece of the rightful macro code is unknown to us. And each potential VBA solution brings fear because one doesn’t know if it will work.
#2 the VBA language is like English, you can say something but using too many words.
For example, to select the entire sheet, I would write ActiveSheet.Range(A1:XFD1048576).Select, not Cells.Select.
Is it the current book, sheet or the current window? Is it Range(A1:XFD1048576) or simply Cells?
Researching and testing VBA is tricky and requires a lot of trial and error (and imitation). This is true because VBA is a full-fledged language and has many hidden workarounds for the newcomers and even experts like me.
#3 translating the mouse movements into code is not so straightforward
For example, copying and pasting a range doing a literal translation of the mouse movements leads to this cumbersome and slow way:
or to this other crappy way
But the simplest and most professional way is this one:
Worksheets(Source).Range(A1:D22?).Copy Destination := Worksheets(Target).Range(A1)
How one finds an essential piece of VBA code?
Well, after years of writing macros, I figure it all out!
Writing Excel macros to automate repetitive tasks is really cumbersome if you don’t have a library of proven macros at hand.
If you know that Excel has hundreds of VBA statements and objects but when it comes to writing operational macros you are faced with questions like how to copy formulas down to the last row?, how to merge books in a folder?, how to create a PivotTable from scratch, how to loop through cells, sheets, chart series, PivotTable fields, PivotTable items?, how to import an Access table/query into the current sheet?, etc…
…or if you have unfinished macro projects because you don’t know how to code some Excel tasks.
And want to become comfortable and at ease with writing VBA code, then this is great news for you!
…I decided to open my library of essential Excel VBA code I have synthesized and curated over the years:
If you want to use macros that will finally break you free from the chains of ‘time & energy sucking projects’ but the lack of time to figure out the exact VBA syntax, the complex syntax itself and the lack of relevant VBA examples, have always prevented you from getting started, then this is the most important message you will ever read…
…because today you will discover that getting started with Excel macros or finishing your macro projects for being much ahead of deadlines is not complicated if you have the essential VBA code at hand.
…I decided to open my library of essential Excel VBA code I have synthesized and curated over the years:
The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals – How to do more than 150 fundamental Excel tasks with VBA.
The 150+ relevant examples of this expert's VBA library are intended to help you get off the ground with macros in minimum time and to complement your VBA learning. This library is not designed to bypass the study of VBA fundamentals.
If you think you can count solely on using these 150+ essential macros to get the full benefits of macros, then please abandon this page now.
This is the insider VBA library John wishes was around when he was starting out with macros earlier in his career. Learning even one or two of these essential VBA techniques would have short-cut his own success by oh five maybe five years. Probably more.
What Are Others Saying About 'The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals'?

I, like so many others just jumped into VBA without ever really getting a foundation and the course has provided me with many of the foundation questions I have had and I have a better understanding of VBA because of it.

I haven't had as much time to run through it as I would like but what I have seen is exactly what I'm looking for. Having bought a few of your courses in the past, I'm not surprised that my VBA learning expectations have been exceeded.
The materials are exactly at the level I'm looking for and the way they are presented will make it easy for me to apply the learnings to my job. I'm looking forward to spending time developing my vba knowledge and skills. Keep up the good work! Best regards, Barry

However I want to thank you for the megaformula course, it is one of the best investments I have made. I am no longer apprehensive when approaching complicated formulas. My understanding changed my vision of Excel. This is why I did not hesitate on Macros For Busy Professionals.
Have a good day

What Are You Going To Get In 'The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals'?
Included in this simplified VBA code library are VBA techniques many Excel users never get it such as:
Module 1 – How to move data between cells, sheets, and workbooks
- How to copy data from one range to another sheet
- How to copy data to a new workbook and save it
- And much more!
Module 2 – How to write formulas in cells and ranges
- How to write a COUNT formula
- How to write a SUMIF formula
- How to write a SUM formula
- How to copy formulas down to the last row
- And much more!
Module 3 – How to merge cells, sheets, books, etc.
- How to merge two cells that match certain criteria
- How to merge many sheets
- How to merge books in a folder
- And much more!
Module 4 – How to open, save and export workbooks and sheets
- How to save a book with a different name
- How to close all open books
- How to open the books in a folder
- How to send the active sheet as pdf by email
- How to save with a custom stamped name
Module 5 – How to do Vlookups
- How to write a Vlookup formula in Excel
- How to use the power of Vlookup inside a macro (without writing any formula)
- How to write an Index & Match
- And much more!
Module 6 – How to print
- How to print the books in a folder
- How to print the selected sheets
- How to print a range of pages of the active sheet
- And much more!
Module 7 – How to create and set up PivotTables
- How to create a PivotTable from scratch
- How to rename the PivotTable totals
- And much more!
Module 8 – How to create and set up charts
- How to create a line chart
- How to create a pie chart
- How to set the chart title
- How to set the chart axes
- And much more!
Module 9 – How to format cells and ranges
- How to set the cell font styling
- How to set the range borders
- How to merge and unmerge cells
- How to set the cells number formatting
- And much more!
Module 10 – How to loop (how to iterate through cells, books, charts, PivotTables, etc)
- How to loop through the cells of a column
- How to loop through the cells of a row
- How to loop through books, charts, etc
- How to loop through PivotTables
- How to loop through PivotTable fields and items
- And much more!
Module 11 – How to work with cells and ranges
- How to hide columns, rows, etc
- How to write variable values to cells
- How to store a cell value in a variable
- And much more!
Module 12 – How to get information about cells and ranges
- How to store a range in an object
- How to find the last used row
- How to get the size of a range
- How to enter to the next occupied cell
- And much more!
Module 13 – How to create and set up UserForms
- How to create a User form
- How to add the most common controls (text boxes, command buttons, etc.) to user forms
- How to send user form data to the last row of the active sheet
- How to send user form data to the last row of any given sheet
- And much more
Module 14 – How to connect Excel with Access
- How to import an Access table/query into the current sheet
- How to open Access from Excel
- And much more…
Module 15 – How to work with directories and files
- How to get the path of workbooks and files
- How to create a filesystem object that allows you accessing to any directory using VBA
- How to create a file on a folder
- And much more…
Module 16 – How to work with tables
- How to convert a range into a table
- How to convert a table back to a range
- How to add rows and columns
- How to clear contents
- How to filter a table (single and multiple columns)
- How to remove duplicates
- How to format a table
- And much more…
Here's how to get this macro foundational material our community needed!
With a $67 product, you can add a 10%, 20%+ increase to your salary because VBA is a highly in-demand skill in today’s data-driven economy and your increased self-worth will be reflected in the promotions and bonuses you are going to get or in the new and better jobs you can prospect and get.
What does a 10% increase mean to you, dear friend? Hundreds of dollars more in your pocket each month?
And if you are VBA freelancer or looking to become one, these done-for-you macros will help you complete projects faster and take new projects with confidence. Just one macro gig can put hundreds of dollars in your pocket.
This course won’t cost you $300.
This course won’t cost you even $100.
If you enroll today, you get access to this essential macros library for only…
USD 67.00
With a small investment, Excel Macros will pay you back again and again.
If you don’t learn macros, you will keep redoubling your time and effort for completing assignments.
You risk nothing
If within 30 days of purchase, you follow and implement the essential VBA pieces of code and cannot write your own macros for automating your work, or if you simply didn’t like the material, just ask a refund and you will get your money back, no questions asked.
I have been selling information products online since 2011 to thousands of professionals from around the world.
Just contact us (use the subject ‘refund’). I will take care of it.
Enroll now and start learning how to do the most basic Excel things in VBA.
What's different from other Excel macro courses out there?
Think of a desperate small business owner that calls a technician to fix the server that runs the factory. He is losing money and clients, he cannot even sleep, workers are idle.
If you were that business owner, what kind of technician would you want to hear?
One that starts teaching you about the operating system running the damn server, that gives you scenarios A, B and C.
Or one that says to you, “just push the little orange reset button at the back of the server.”
That’s the difference between insight and information!
Now think of yourself near the deadline with unfinished job and someone comes and give you the theory of time saving Excel technology…it is called VBA, this is the syntax, this is the object model, the best coding practices, and blah blah blah.
And other guy says, if you want to get the report done, “press this macro-linked button”
Want to format a table? Use this macro.
Want to create a pivottable? Use this macro.
Want to move cells to another book? Use this macro.
And so forth.
Who would you choose?
Well, today, I am that person that comes with insight…
…because I will give you more than 150 macros that will do the heavy lifting for you.
No guessing.
No hassle of trial and error writing, testing, debugging, etc.
No theory.
Most of the Excel macro courses are all about VBA theory. The essential VBA library program will show you more than 150 proven done-for-you macros that will do the most essential Excel tasks.
Find inside a comprehensive library of curated VBA code you can copy and paste into your macros or adapt them to bigger macro projects.
You can also learn how the VBA theory is implemented and how good-enough macro code is written.
Who is 'The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals' for?
Basic to intermediate Excel VBA users will get the most out of this program because operational VBA code is key to having a good VBA learning and coding experience.
You can use the macros provided to automate the most common tasks and move gradually into more complex VBA automation projects.
You can ask for a full refund if you find the course is not for you.
But if you are a seasoned macro expert, you might use this Macros Library as a resource to face any kind of automation project. If you are stuck in the macro code mud, you might find here a bit of rightful VBA code to point you in the right direction.
You can also use the macros as a refresher or for covering some voids you might have.
Also, you can ask for a full refund if you find the course is not for you.
You are covered by my 30-day money back guarantee.
What do you get when you enroll in 'The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals'?
After you enroll, you get instant access to:
160+ practical done-for-you macros
Curated and proven macros. Some of the scenarios are explained using annotated screen captures
18+ VBA workbooks
More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the program)
Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey
User and password
Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area
Macro building blueprints
Make meaningful progress in reasonable time by following some proven blueprints that will get your complex macros done
Email support
One year of email support
Life-time access
Learn at your own pace at any time. No need to follow rigid schedules
Free updates
Get free access to updated and new lessons, bonuses, for one year
Access anytime, anywhere
Access the members' area on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac).
What else do you get when you enroll in 'The Essential Library Of Excel Macros For Busy Professionals'?
Practical bonus #1 - Excel Object Model Blueprint

You and I know that without having the big picture of the Excel object hierarchy, finding the exact syntax for our macros or understanding the syntax is cumbersome. And we also know that Microsoft has wiped out this information from its help system. You don’t get a map view of the objects anymore but only an encyclopedia of links where one never sees the big picture.
I knew this material was crucial to macro success and compiled it before it disappeared!
I have synthesized everything in a convenient pdf you can easily explore, zoom in, and zoom out.
If you want to immediately have clarity about the whole Excel object model, then this rare pdf is for you!
In this practical and hard-to-find VBA syntax blueprint, you will learn:
- What are the main Excel objects and how to access them in a macro
- What are the available collections you can use in your loops
- Why some macros look the way they do
- How to access any aspect of Excel using VBA code
- and much more
You get this secret VBA syntax building blueprint for free if you order the program ‘How To Do More Than 150 Fundamental Excel Tasks In VBA’.
Practical bonus #2 - Dynamic Macro Recording Formula

This practical video lesson reveals the 5 VBA dynamic techniques to easily make your recorded macros work for variable array size and conditions.
If you want to reuse your recorded macros, then this macro recording formula is for you.
Includes a VBA workbook practice file!
Practical bonus #3 - Recorded Macro Performance's Optimization Formula

You know the macro recorder fills your macro with garbage (unnecessary selections, scrolling, sheet shifting, etc.) and they become painfully difficult to edit and adapt to your situation.
And recorded macros are slow and silly.
Learn how to take your recorded macros to an optimal level. This practical video lesson reveals a 3-step VBA optimization formula to clean all the unnecessary VBA code and improve your recorded macros’ performance, readability, and usability.
If you want to synthesize your recorded macros and make them perform at their best, then this macro recording formula is for you.
How much time should I devote to learning?
To complete the MMF program, you should complete 20+ lessons. But you don’t need to study the entire program in one sitting.
You can read the lessons at your own pace and you can also skip the areas you are familiar with or that you want to study later.
No pressure teacher. No rigid schedules. Study at your own pace.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. We also accept PayPal, Amazon Pay and Wire transfer.
When does the course start and finish?
The access to the course starts now and ends whenever you like because is a self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
The course site remembers your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off on any device. That means you can study a few lessons at work, then continue right where you left off on your tablet or home computer.
You can access the course site from your work or home computer, tablet, smart phone or any other device with an internet connection.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the course.
Can I google these Excel macros?
Searching and finding are two different things. You can google all your needs but can you actually find what you are looking for?
Sometimes, one cannot find the exact search words to find the exact piece of code. At other times, the solutions are provided by developers, with advanced techniques that you don’t understand yet and with more information than you need at your current stage of understanding.
And the solutions are scattered all over the place, in different blogs, forums, etc., with different styles and hidden agendas. If you don’t want the hassle of organizing all that, what you need is everything in one single location, curated and readily available.
What Excel version do I need?
The Excel workbooks are saved as macro-enabled books (.xlsm). You need Excel 2007+
Can I access the lessons on my mobile device?
Yes, you can log in with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) and read or download the material. If you want to manipulate the workbooks, you might need an Excel app installed.
Of course, you can also log in with your computer or laptop (Windows or Mac).
I don't understand VBA yet, can I use the macros in the library to save time in my work?
You will get the most of this material if you already understand the fundamentals of VBA. But even if you have never written any macro, you can quickly use the pieces of VBA code to get some practical results that will get you off the ground, such as closing all the open books or opening all the books in a folder, creating a line chart for your weekly report, etc.
Also, this essential VBA library is the perfect companion if you are already started learning macros or if you plan to do it in the future.
Who is this Excel macros library for?
This library of essential pieces of VBA code is for you if you are getting started with macros and want to have a reference source of VBA code to perform the most basic functions.
You will love this library if you want plenty of relevant VBA examples.
This library is also for you if you don’t know what property or method to use for certain tasks and want to see how the most common objects are used for doing the most essential Excel tasks.
Even if you are an expert, you might find some surprises to increase your VBA arsenal of techniques. If you find increasing challenging scenarios and you are constantly improving, you know that there’s never enough of VBA techniques to dispose of.