advanced excel formulas
The Essential Library Of Dashboard Formulas For Busy Professionals
It Seems Incredible That You Can Immediately Know The Secret Complex Formulas To Marry Your Data And Create Interactive And Dynamic Dashboards And Reports, Without Figuring Out Nor Remembering The Syntax!
"Are You Willing To Follow 50+ Dashboard Formula Templates To Pull Almost Any Answer From Your Excel Tables?"
This Could Be You!

Wednesday, 6 PM
From: John Franco
Dear professional,
If you don’t have at your fingertips the many options available to extract data and would like to discover how to extract information from Excel tables, to answer unusual end-users questions and to create customized reports for you and for your manager, I can show you exactly how to do it quickly and easily.
In fact, I am going to reveal more done-for-you lookup formulas than you will ever need.
Listen closely now because finding and presenting information from tables is something I do extremely well. I have been successfully manipulating Excel Tables with hundreds, thousands, even hundreds of thousands of rows, multiple columns, and with multiple and complex criteria for over 10 years…
I started with the same problems you are having today, and I know what it feels like to be pulling my hair out for failing to adapt the existing formulas I knew, (VLOOKUP, IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF, Array Formulas, etc.) and not knowing the direct Lookup formulas that I knew existed or should exist.
That’s not all, These things really scared me…
- Wanting to be able to tell Excel that if certain columns match a given complex condition, then summarize these lines and give me a sum/count/vlookup in a different column or cell
- Having multiple lines which all pertain to one record and needing to be able to summarize them into one line, while they match a multiple column criteria
- Remembering the syntax when you need to start from scratch
- Getting rid of unwanted #N/A errors
- Implementing a VLOOKUP unsuccessfully and not having a clue about where to look at for a solution
- Ignoring how to prepare your data for successful lookups
- Having difficulty in debugging long and complex formulas
- Don’t know where to begin
And that’s just for starters!
Being fond of my hair, (it hurts when I pull it) I reached the point in which I said to myself…
“Self, there has got to be a way to do this,” but I just can’t figure out what it might be. Even after having looked through Excel Help, I could NOT seem to figure out which functions I needed to use, to pull out the answers I wanted…
After years of being “blank” in front of intimidating Excel tables, visiting Excel forums and blogs, doing research, etc. I discovered the direct Lookup, Array Formulas and other advanced formulas and techniques you need to translate the “end-users” unusual questions into answers for your reports. It changed my life and career dramatically!
Do you understand what this means?
Once I discovered this, I started to please my boss and customers with the reports they requested…. in a big way!
Once I discovered it, I wrote a complex Lookup formula in just minutes, and the report was configured in front of me.
I even started to massage the data for my own consumption in ways I could not do before. I started to make sense of the data and gain knowledge to make better decisions. Suddenly, I knew more than all my peers about our company’s figures and trends.
Generating further “meaningful information” from Excel tables was no longer a time-consuming process
I no longer feared my boss when he came with new and unusual reporting requests
And check this out…
I was soon considered for a promotion, and my career advanced!
But wait – there’s more
Now…I am helping hundreds of data professionals… of all experience levels with the same flat-table-conversation problems like yours; they are aspiring Data Analysts, Finance Assistants, Data Analysts, Financial Experts, HR Department Heads, and OTHER professionals, SOME OF whose clients include MANY of the best-known companies in the world, such as American Express, General Electric, BMW, Merrill Lynch, Kaiser Permamente, Honda, and several others. And many other small to mid companies, ranging from consulting firms to Internet providers and hotels.
For example…
What are others saying about The Essential Library Of Dashboard Formulas For Busy Professionals?

I don’t care if you’ve never written a lookup formula in your life.
I’ve put all this information together into the simplified program “How To Extract Information From Excel Tables – 50+ Dashboard Formula Templates That Will Pull Almost Any Answer From Your Data”, that you should check out right now…
You get 50+ dashboard formula templates that will show you how to pull out single items from tables using simple and complex criteria (using VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, Array Formulas), how to pull out summarized values from tables (using COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, Array Formulas), how to pull arrays using VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, Array Formulas.
You will also find a new and simpler way of understanding the arguments so you don’t need to remember the syntax every time. You will also learn the fundamental principles of looking up.
Everything revealed in pdf format (137 pages).
What’s in it for you….
- Learn how to easily implement a VLOOKUP successfully
- Stop the hair pulling and headaches! Discover – like many others who used to swear by VLOOKUP, – it is NOT the only way
- No more time sucking searches in several places (forums, blogs, several books, etc) only to find superficial results on the lookup formulas topic. This is like no other book on the market! An in-depth EASY TO FOLLOW reference guide about Excel Lookup formulas for Report generation
- Learn how RIGHT NOW – to easily execute a successful Vlookup (free of unwanted #N/A errors) with a step by step proven checklist and expert “best practice” guidance
- Never again feel “in the dark” and having no ideas about how to get rid of #N/A errors
- Avoid being paralyzed by a lack of knowledge in all the ways to manipulate data. In this guide, you will quickly learn that there are so many methods Excel possess for manipulating data effectively
- Find the direct Lookup formulas to crunch multiple columns and multiple lines – FAST and EASY
- Fearlessly work with Excel lists having multiple and complex criteria
- Stop experimenting with formulas you are not familiar with, and achieve the exact data extraction you want…. right now!
- Quit going in circles, trying to adapt formulas that are not suitable for your multiple criteria purposes: VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, SUMIF
- Instantly become the master of the most powerful methods to perform a complex criteria or multiple column lookup by using: INDEX and MATCH, SUMPRODUCT, Array Formulas
- Say goodbye forever to lost opportunities to shine at work, because you are not able to massage or make sense of information that lies dormant in your Excel List
- Permanently stop your “end users” from complaining about the layout of the report being too complex because you will easily be able to provide only the data they need and request
- Consistently answer unusual “end users” questions, letting them know that the last occasion was no coincidence or fluke
- Satisfy diverse “end user” format preferences, by developing any “end user” layout needed
Become an Excel Power User!
Get inspired by this comprehensive gallery of dashboard templates and develop the confidence to build your own mega formulas. You don’t need to start from scratch.
These are the done-for-you templates you will find inside…
How to pull out a single item (summary)
- Template 1 – How to look up the Quantity of a Given Item Using COUNTIF
- Template 2 – How to LOOK UP the Quantity of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using COUNTIFS
- Template 3 – How to look up the Quantity of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using Array Formulas
- Template 4 – How to look up the Amount of a Given Item Using SUMIF
- Template 5 – How to look up the Amount of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using SUMIFS
- Template 6 – How to look up the Amount of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using SUMPRODUCT
- Template 7 – How to look up the Amount of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using Array Formulas
- Template 8 – How to look up the Average of a Given Item Using AVERAGEIF
- Template 9 – How to look up the Average of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using AVERAGEIFS
- Template 10 – How to look up the Average of a Given Item that Meets N Criteria Using Array Formulas
How to pull out a single item (picking)
- Template 11 – How to look up a text
- Template 12 – How to look up a Date
- Template 13 – How to look up a Number
- Template 14 – How to look up a Text that is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 15 – How to look up a Date that is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 16 – How to look up a Number that is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 17 – How to look up a Text that Contains “”
- Template 18 – How to look up a Text that Begins with “”
- Template 19 – How to look up a Text that Ends with “”
- Template 20 – How to look up a Text that Contains “” and is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 21 – How to look up a Text that Begins with “” and is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 22 – How to look up a Text that Ends with “” and is not Located in a Left Index Column
- Template 23 – How to look up a Case Sensitive Text Using an Array Formula
- Template 24 – How to look up a Case Sensitive Text Using SUMPRODUCT
- Template 25 – How to look up a Text and a Number Located in Two Index Columns Using a Helper Column
- Template 26 – How to look up a Text and a Number Located in Two Index Columns Using SUMPRODUCT
- Template 27 – How to LOOK UP a Text and a Number in Two Index Columns Using an Array Formula
- Template 28 – How to look up a Month Using a Helper Column
- Template 29 – How to look up a Month Using SUMPRODUCT
- Template 30 – How to look up a Month Using an Array Formula
- Template 31 – How to look up a Number with Decimal Places
- Template 32 – How to look up the Last Instance of a Value
- Template 33 – How to look up the Most Frequent Value
- Template 34 – How to look up a Value Based on Index Column and Index Row
- Template 35 – How to look up in Reverse Mode
- Template 36 – How to look up Multiple Index Column Criteria
- Template 37 – How to look up the Biggest Quantity
- Template 38 – How to look up the Newest Date-Time
- Template 39 – How to look up an Exact or Approximate Number (case 1)
- Template 40 – How to look up an Exact or Approximate Text
- Template 41 – How to look up an Exact or Approximate Number (case 2)
- Template 42 – How to look up an Exact or Approximate Date/Time
- Template 43 – How to look up Exact or Approximate Percentages
- Template 44 – How to look up an Exact or Lower/Greater Approximate Number
- Template 45 – How to Extract one item using simple criteria using GETPIVOTDATA
- Template 46 – How to Extract one item using multiple criteria using GETPIVOTDATA
How to pull out an array (picking one by one)
- Template 47 – How to extract matches from different columns
- Template 48 – How to extract multiple matches that meet a single criterion
Who else uses this?

What the Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint will do for you?
What else is in it for you?
- Stop sending so many Pivot Tables to old-fashioned users and Excel veterans, who usually hate PTs because they don’t know how to use them and it takes them too long to figure out
- Quickly understand the many useful functions yet unknown by many “Excel Experts”
- Always have options when you are not “comfortable” with one lookup method in particular. This guide offers you many very useful methods that will now, always be available
- Stop fighting your way through hard to understand technical guides full of “Geek Speak”, that are not written or formatted in a “User Friendly” way. This guide is not only VERY helpful, but EASY to use
- Instantly gain a deep understanding of the Lookup Formula arguments, making them much more manageable
- Stop racking your brain, wasting precious time in forums, and listening to “wanna be” experts to get the formulas you want
- Silence the complaints from your manager and customers about not being able to change the inputs in the reports and see the results immediately
- Prepare the reports exactly as your “end users” requested, with the same layout and figures, and no more
- Instantly have the expertise to know exactly how these complex lookup formulas work, so you can maintain them, even months after completing the work
- Kill the frustrations with complex computations, like multiple column and multiple criteria, that you can neither find a direct formula for, or don’t know how to apply your knowledge of the formulas you do have, to them
- No Worries about listening to a manager, and easily translating what she says into data fields
- Stop wasting your analysis time, by developing error-proof Lookup Formulas. You will do this by preparing the backend list to be queried properly, and by following clear guidelines at the frontend
- Your boss will trust your reports since they will receive legitimate and professional messages (“Items not found”, “Missing”, etc) instead of unexpected #N/As messages
- Never again struggle with a lack of resources (only Vlookup) when you face “growing-in-complexity” lookup computations
Now you will feel comfortable and confident doing Lookups every day, and have the energy to analyze data. You will start sending eye-opening and highly functional reports to the busy professionals and decision makers who request them
As it turns out…
How much should you invest in this megaformula building blueprint?
Extracting information from tables is not brain surgery. You can figure it out on your own. Eventually and if you are willing to invest time and effort doing trial and error trying to extract information from big tables, dealing with syntax issues, etc. Or reading books, forums, and blogs and synthesizing that information.
Or you can take advantage of the 10+ years John’s already invested in hard work dealing with extracting information from all kinds of Excel Tables, researching and synthesizing his findings.
There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your own career attempting to cover this same ground.
It’s up to you.
If you order today, you can unleash the data analysis power of Excel and quickly analyze and present data for just…
USD 147
USD 67
If you attend an Excel seminar, you will not cover even the fraction of the techniques covered here, and you will pay $300+ for one day of training, and spend even more on hotel and travel expenses.
And seriously…
There’s a saying that goes like this: “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
…just think, how much will it cost you to do nothing?..
With a small investment, the Excel megaformulas skill will pay you back again and again.
If you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix complex long formulas, you will never be a full-fledged Excel user.
You risk nothing

What's different from other Excel Lookup formulas courses out there?
Most of the Excel lookup formulas courses focus exclusively on VLOOKUP and on memorizing the function syntax, and explain how to write a basic lookup function. The HEIET program will show you more than 50 done-for-you lookup formulas (from basic to advanced lookups).
The comprehensive lookup scenarios are organized in a way that you can match them with your situations and will help you to be absolutely confident with complex lookup formulas from you and others.
Other courses about formulas assume you know a lot of things. At the beginning of the program, I don’t take anything for granted that you should know. I explain it the way it is done to a kid.
Who is the HEIET blueprint for?
The MMF Blueprint is for intermediate or advanced Excel users who already have created basic/complex formulas and are looking for new ways to tweak their existing complex formulas for higher functionality, want to get more context to face complex formulas with confidence, or want to systematize their formulas knowledge and skills.
The MMF program is for professionals and consultants who want to systematize their knowledge to transform Excel from a normal spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool.
Intermediate to advanced Excel users will get the most out of this program because you might use this HEIET course as a refresher or for covering some voids you might have. Also, you can use any of the 50 lookup formulas logic to get ideas or actual solutions to face real projects right now.
You can ask for a full refund if you find the course is not for you.
But if you are a beginner, you can take this lookup program as an eye-opener to the possibilities that lies ahead beyond the VLOOKUP and INDEX & MATCH formulas.
Also, you can ask for a full refund if you find the course is not for you.
You are covered by my 30-day money back guarantee.
What do you get when you enroll in the HEIET program?
After you enroll, you get instant access to:
15+ in-depth lessons
Concepts explained using annotated graphics, simple language and analogies everyone can understand
10+ Formulas workbooks
More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the program)
Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey
User and password
Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area
Megaformula building blueprint
Follow a proven blueprint that will get your complex formulas done
Email support
One year of email support
Lifetime access
Learn at your own pace at any time. No need to follow rigid schedules
Free updates
Get free access to updated and new lessons, bonuses, for one year
Access anytime, anywhere
Access the members' area on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac).
What else do you get when you enroll in the HEIET program?
Practical bonus #1 - 50+ Excel lookup templates (workbooks)

If you order today, you will also get 50+ Excel templates files, with the exact content of the book so you can easily follow along and implement the concepts.
If you are the kind of person that need to see things in action to understand and get started, then here you will find joy in seeing all the dashboard formulas in use and being able to actually play with them.
And If you are the kind of person who loves to get your hands dirty without the frustration of trial-and-error, these dashboard workbooks will be one of the best learning experiences for you because each workbook easily presents the dashboard and its source data side-by-side (not on different sheets), so you can easily explore the techniques without losing sight of the source that is being used.
This side-by-side design allows you to analyze every argument and input, change the arguments and inputs, and see results immediately. Just see below…
And avoid the extra confusion of dealing with big tables because these examples don’t contain thousands of rows or hundred of columns. and as you can see above. Every template uses data of just the right size so you see how these fundamental techniques work. This will make you develop your confidence instead of being intimidated by big tables.
Practical bonus #2 - The Lookup error-free checklist

This is a set of three checklists to troubleshoot VLOOKUPs and INDEX & MATCH formulas with ease.
Find a list that will show you how to avoid and debug common lookup errors, and how to identify the good errors and avoid pulling your hair when you are getting mistakes that are factual and not derived from poor syntax or data.
One of the most fascinating things about this program is that develops the mindset to write complex formulas in Excel!
Enroll now and learn once for all how to write, edit and fix megaformulas.
P.S Remember, No More frustrations and headaches trying to manipulate data, or returning to the office tomorrow and being asked by “end users”, for reports you won’t know how to do.
P.P.S Don’t let the errors keep draining your energy before the analysis starts. What would you do with your time if you wouldn’t be in a lookup trap anymore?
How much time should I devote to learning?
To complete the MMF program, you should complete 20+ lessons. But you don’t need to study the entire program in one sitting.
You can read the lessons at your own pace and you can also skip the areas you are familiar with or that you want to study later.
No pressure teacher. No rigid schedules. Study at your own pace.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. We also accept PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Wire transfer.
When does the course start and finish?
The access to the course starts now and ends after one year! But it is a self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
The course site remembers your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off on any device. That means you can study a few lessons at work, then continue right where you left off on your tablet or home computer.
You can access the course site from your work or home computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with an internet connection.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have one year access to the course, support, and forum. If you want to renew your membership, you can do so at 75% off. You will receive an email prior expiration to let you know.
What Excel version do I need?
The program covers fundamentals that are common to all Excel versions.
Except for some version-specific functions, all the functions, formulas and techniques will work on any version of Excel for either Windows or Mac. I use Excel 2016 for Windows in my screen captures.
The bonus Excel functions finder (EFF) will show you the functions that are available on Excel 2016 and 2019 versions.
Can I access the lessons on my mobile device?
Yes, you can log in with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) and read or download the material. If you want to manipulate the workbooks, you might need an Excel app installed.
Of course, you can also log in with your computer or laptop (Windows or Mac).
Master of Megaformulas Blueprint – Trouble
"yes, this 3-stage complex formula building blueprint helped me keeping out of trouble and it will work for you too"
What Every intermediate and advanced excel user Should Know... About How To systematize their current function and formulas knowledge to hit the target, find and avoid errors in the syntax, understand others' formulas, and more...
Dear intermediate and advanced Excel user,
Interestingly, the first megaformula that got the results I wanted came from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2002. The spreadsheet from this arrogant Brazilian university professor impressed me so much because…
…his megaformulas transformed the boring matrix of cells into a
dynamic and powerful hydraulic simulator.
It was magic! He gained my respect forever because he revealed to me what was truly possible with Excel. And I wondered how his complex formulas got RESULTS.
I cloned one of his megaformulas! But when I tried to adapt it to my particular situation, I got into serious trouble…
…it was like a kid that broke the pedestal that held an expensive decorative vessel.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out why the damn complex formula wasn’t working….
Those powerful formulas was written in a language that only the professor and of course Excel understood. I became obsessed with the functions he used and started to study them one by one: INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, IF, OR, INDIRECT, ADDRESS, etc. I deconstructed his Megaformulas. I put them on separate columns, I studied their arguments and logic one by one…
…but no matter what, I got lost in the middle of the formula. When I tried to hit the target with my copycat formula, I always got it wrong.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I struggle for almost a year to understand these complex Excel formulas. But learning Excel functions and formulas was not enough.
I realized it was easier with a proven system 🙂
I should figure it out on my own because the professor never revealed his megaformula building system to me.
Now, I enjoy the creative process of writing and debugging complex Excel formulas because I developed a system that makes megaformulas writing and debugging a lot easier.
Imagine…you can bring the Excel function nesting power to its knees and get the RESULTS you want!
You can simplify the writing and debugging of complex Excel formulas because I packaged my proven system on my new Excel Formulas program, Master of Megaformulas – A 3-stage blueprint to write, edit and troubleshoot complex Excel formulas.
What the Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint will do for you?
In this practical Excel Formulas program, you will discover:
- How to systematize your current (and coming) knowledge of Excel functions and formulas so you streamline and enjoy writing and debugging complex formulas from you or others
- How to guide your thinking along the megaformula building process to avoid deadlocks and unnecessary errors, and false expectations
- How to build any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do to hit the target, how to find the right mix of functions and logic for your needs, how to reduce the amount of trial-and-error necessary to get the results you want
- How to understand others’ megaformulas with ease
- How to debug any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do to find an error in the syntax
- What functions you must avoid on your megaformula
- The computer programmer’s 5-step megaformula building blueprint that will turbocharge your megaformula skills. You can use this roadmap as an alternative/complement of the 3-stage blueprint, two write or debug complex formulas
- The timing and mindset for researching new functions
- The simple criteria you must follow to choose the best functions for your megaformula. Stop using the wrong functions that will take you down the rabbit hole of errors and uncertainty
- and much more
The program will also give you enough context so you face the megaformula territory with confidence and effectiveness. Also, In this comprehensive Excel Formulas program, you will learn:
- The silent Excel behavior outsiders never notice, which every MF writer should know so they stop pulling their hair during errors and to reduce anxiety during the writing of long and complex formulas. If you want to go beyond level 3 of nesting with absolute confidence, then this is for you
- A simple two-step technique to find any untraceable error on any megaformula. Well, only those who are aware of the silent Excel behavior I mentioned above can perform this technique successfully
- 3 proven step-by-step nesting function techniques
- How to be aware of unknown and advanced functions. Learn how to organize the 477 Excel functions into powerful groups and stop asking, which functions should I use?
- Which functions can be nested together and which ones can’t be nested together. Yes, discover which are the good and bad associations you must avoid
- How to manage parentheses and commas
- How to figure out which formula would work best for your particular situation
- How to check the results of intermediate steps. Learn how to use this technique in the middle of the writing or during the editing process
- How to check the results of intermediate steps without creating intermediate columns that look unprofessional
- Quickly figure out why your nested IF formula does not work
- How to navigate a megaformula without messing it up. Learn how to easily position your cursor at the right spot to highlight the function, the arguments and how to select them without using the mouse so you never leave parenthesis out
- How to quickly copy any nested function without dealing with the error-prone manual parentheses selection. Get rid of the insecurity of incomplete parentheses during your copying and pasting operations
- How to simplify the writing and editing of complex and long formulas
- A simple keyboard shortcut to make long formulas easier to read
- Two commands to make a long formula shorter
- How to manage more than 3 IF conditions
- The two logical functions you can use to simplify IF megaformulas
- How to edit an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to make additions to an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to get a failed megaformula working
- The simple thing to do when a megaformula goes wrong
- What are the 6 common errors and how to solve them
- How to use the intellisense and tooltip tools to solve undefined/untraceable errors
- How to preserve a megaformula on copying and moving
- And much more!
What are others saying about The Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint?
This is one step closer to my dream Excel learning idea: a set of Lego-like puzzle pieces that can be discretely moved around to fit the various possible configurations such as, the Range object and the Range property for example. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Thanks for all you do. Best Regards,

I got through the document and learned some new ways to think about formulas. Also looking forward to your upcoming chapters!...
Thanks again!

The MMF is not only for Excel learners but also for masters to help improve understanding methodically.
...Thank you for yet another gem from In short a must-have course for any Excel user. Please have a great day. Regards

However I want to thank you for the megaformula course, it is one of the best investments I have made. I am no longer apprehensive when approaching complicated formulas. My understanding changed my vision of Excel. This is why I did not hesitate on Macros For Busy Professionals. Have a good day

How much should you invest in this megaformula building blueprint?
Being able to synthesize Excel into a few simple principles and techniques is only possible due to my 10+ years of hard-earned experience creating and using real-world Excel applications, in a corporate environment.
If you can increase your confidence to put Excel megaformulas skills in your resume and get a promotion, get a high-paying job, how much would your current salary increase? 10%, 15% or more? That would add thousands of dollars each year to your pocket.
If you become a freelancer, you will able to earn $50, $100+ per gig. And if you are a consultant, you will be able to face new and bigger projects.
The MMF program won’t cost you $500.
The MMF program won’t cost you $300.
The MMF program won’t even cost you $200.
If you want to boost your confidence, productivity and authority with megaformulas, you can start today for just one payment of:
USD 147
USD 67
With a small investment, the Excel megaformulas skill will pay you back again and again.
If you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix complex long formulas, you will never be a full-fledged Excel user.
You risk nothing

What's different from other Excel formulas courses out there?
Most of the Excel formulas courses are all about memorizing functions and formulas. The MMF program will show you a proven 3-stage blueprint to build any complex formula. Also, the MMF program will show you how to think like a megaformulas guru, how to learn functions in a way that you can match them with your situations, and how to be absolutely confident with complex formulas from you and others.
You get access to the tools (megaformulas building blueprint) and the Excel fundamentals that will give you context and confidence to face challenging MF situations.
Other courses about formulas assume you know a lot of things. I don’t take anything for granted that you should know. I explain it the way it is done to a kid.
Who is the MMF blueprint for?
The MMF Blueprint is for intermediate or advanced Excel users who already have created basic/complex formulas and are looking for new ways to tweak their existing complex formulas for higher functionality, want to get more context to face complex formulas with confidence, or want to systematize their formulas knowledge and skills.
The MMF program is for professionals and consultants who want to systematize their knowledge to transform Excel from a normal spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool
You are covered by my 30-day money back guarantee.
What do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
After you enroll, you get instant access to:
15+ in-depth lessons
Concepts explained using annotated graphics, simple language and analogies everyone can understand
10+ Formulas workbooks
More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the program)
Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey
User and password
Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area
Megaformula building blueprint
Follow a proven blueprint that will get your complex formulas done
Email support
One year of email support
Lifetime access
Learn at your own pace at any time. No need to follow rigid schedules
Free updates
Get free access to updated and new lessons, bonuses, for one year
Access anytime, anywhere
Access the members' area on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac).
What else do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
Practical bonus #1 - The Excel Functions Finder (EFF)

I have synthesized the Microsoft Excel 2016, 2019 functions scattered help into one single database you can sort, filter, pivot, and enrich at your convenience (using the simple and familiar Excel filtering and list tools).
This handy workbook with a library of 477 Excel functions is for you if you want to…
- Find new Excel functions to improve your skills. Discover new functions by category, by data type, by version added, by name, by any keyword you type on the respective field filter text box
- Find out what can be done. Stop using the same functions that keep you stuck in a beginner level
- Discover how many Excel functions are in Excel 2016
- Discover the exact Excel version on which a function was added. You can know if your customers or peers will be able to use some fancy function you plan to use or finally find out why some functions cannot be used in your Excel version
- Discover the exact new category where some functions were relocated to. Newbies think some functions were deprecated but they are hidden in some function category
- Find out what types of data type each function retrieves so you know where they fit
- Keep track of new functions added in the upcoming versions of Excel
- …and much more!
Practical bonus #2 - How To Keep Your Megaformulas Free Of Errors

After 20 years of writing, editing and debugging really complex Excel formulas (megaformulas) for Civil Engineering, science, data cleaning, and database projects, I have synthesized the best practices to be free of the most common errors that plague these megaformulas.
This practical 20-page Excel Formulas best practice guide is for you if you want to…
- Know the simple parenthesis strategy that will avoid you unnecessary frustration with untraceable parentheses errors
- Know how to enter dates, texts, etc., in your complex formulas without crashing them
- Know the 5 elements that you should focus on to avoid almost 90% of the most common errors during formula writing, editing and debugging
- and much more…
Practical bonus #3 - 21 Megaformula Writing And Troubleshooting Strategies
These strategies will help you ensure that your megaformula is the best it can be, presented the best way it can be.
- new actionable Excel techniques to improve your existing megaformulas
- how to make your formulas shorter
- testing and debugging techniques
- how to simplify nested IFs
- a checklist to improve a megaformula
- …and much more!
One of the most fascinating things about this program is that develops the mindset to write complex formulas in Excel!
Enroll now and learn once for all how to write, edit and fix megaformulas.
How much time should I devote to learning?
To complete the MMF program, you should complete 20+ lessons. But you don’t need to study the entire program in one sitting.
You can read the lessons at your own pace and you can also skip the areas you are familiar with or that you want to study later.
No pressure teacher. No rigid schedules. Study at your own pace.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. We also accept PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Wire transfer.
When does the course start and finish?
The access to the course starts now and ends whenever you like because is a self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
The course site remembers your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off on any device. That means you can study a few lessons at work, then continue right where you left off on your tablet or home computer.
You can access the course site from your work or home computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with an internet connection.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the course.
What Excel version do I need?
The program covers fundamentals that are common to all Excel versions.
Except for some version-specific functions, all the functions, formulas and techniques will work on any version of Excel for either Windows or Mac. I use Excel 2016 for Windows in my screen captures.
The bonus Excel functions finder (EFF) will show you the functions that are available on Excel 2016 and 2019 versions.
Can I access the lessons on my mobile device?
Yes, you can log in with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) and read or download the material. If you want to manipulate the workbooks, you might need an Excel app installed.
Of course, you can also log in with your computer or laptop (Windows or Mac).
Master of Megaformulas Blueprint
"Are You Willing To Follow a 3-stage blueprintTo simplify and enjoy the writing and debugging of complex excel formulas?"
Yes These Secrets Help Me hit the target, find and avoid errors in the syntax, understand others' formulas And They Will Work For YOU Too
Dear intermediate and advanced Excel user,
Interestingly, the first megaformula that got the results I wanted came from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2002. The spreadsheet from this arrogant Brazilian university professor impressed me so much because…
…his megaformulas transformed the boring matrix of cells into a
dynamic and powerful hydraulic simulator.
I wondered how their complex formulas got RESULTS. In the beginning, I was ashamed for understanding almost nothing about his megaformulas. Anyway…although I never met him in person neither knew anything else about him, he gained my respect forever because he revealed to me what was truly possible with Excel.
I started cloning and tweaking his complex formulas to adapt them to my needs (and because it was embarrassing to use something I didn’t understand). But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out why the damn complex formula wasn’t working….
…I was unable to change it without breaking it.
Definitely, that powerful spreadsheet application was written in a language that only the professor and of course Excel understood.
I became obsessed with the functions he used and started to study them one by one: INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, IF, OR, INDIRECT, ADDRESS, etc. I deconstructed his Megaformulas. I put them on separate columns, I studied their arguments and logic one by one…
…but no matter what, I got lost in the middle of the formula. When I tried to hit the target with my copycat formula, I always got it wrong.
…I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I struggle for almost a year to understand these complex Excel formulas.
Now, I enjoy the creative process of writing and debugging complex Excel formulas.
After years of hard work and dedication, I figure it all out!
Writing complex formulas to solve real business problems is cumbersome
if you ignore some principles (and if you don’t follow a proven blueprint).
" can bring the Excel function nesting power to its knees and get the RESULTS you want!"
If you know that Excel has hundreds of functions but —when it comes to calculating— you are faced with questions like which function(s) should I use? How should I combine (or nest) them? Is there a way to write better formulas? How to make a formula fast, scalable, easy to understand and auditable?…
…or If you have some worksheets with very long formulas (nested IF-THEN-ELSE/AND/OR/VLOOKUP/INDIRECT, etc.) and most are a bear to get working.
And want to become comfortable and at ease with these complex formulas, then this is great news for you!
Because I created my new Excel Formulas program, Master of Megaformulas – A 3-stage blueprint to write, edit and troubleshoot complex Excel formulas.
What are others saying about The Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint?
This is one step closer to my dream Excel learning idea: a set of Lego-like puzzle pieces that can be discretely moved around to fit the various possible configurations such as, the Range object and the Range property for example. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Thanks for all you do. Best Regards,

I got through the document and learned some new ways to think about formulas. Also looking forward to your upcoming chapters!...
Thanks again!

The MMF is not only for Excel learners but also for masters to help improve understanding methodically.
3 new things I learned: 1. The importance of order of operators and parenthesis. This is very important for Mega formula construction and accuracy of the results. 2. Using the function wizard for finding bugs or errors in mega formulas and also to compute intermediate results of a function used in large formulas. 3. The simple techniques to build effective mega formulas (one example being how to remove external references in a mega formulas quickly)
3 doubts/fears I removed: 1. Managing spreadsheets with Mega formula or nested formulas was a painful exercise, particularly when those excel workbooks were created by someone else. Now I know the techniques to deal with them thank you John. 2. Index and Match formulas were always tough for me to understand, MMF had made it really simple and easy to realize the power of these two functions together. 3. Nesting function itself was a complex thing earlier. Now I have much better clarity about nesting formulas due to the tip to see excel functions as connectors and arguments as ports (this simple analogy brings so much clarity).
I am already working on a spreadsheet now to use index and match to populate results/calculations automatically. I am also planning to merge few workbooks as a single workbook by using the technique of removal of external references. I will also use the bonus function library provided towards this.
The simplicity of your language with perfect analogies can only be found in your books/courses. The workbooks provided are also very useful to practically see the impact of a MMF. Thank you for yet another gem from In short a must-have course for any Excel user. Please have a great day. Regards

What the Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint will do for you?
In this practical Excel Formulas program, you will discover:
- How to systematize your current (and coming) knowledge of Excel functions and formulas so you streamline and enjoy writing and debugging complex formulas from you or others
- How to guide your thinking along the megaformula building process to avoid deadlocks and unnecessary errors, and false expectations
- How to build any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do to hit the target, how to find the right mix of functions and logic for your needs, how to reduce the amount of trial-and-error necessary to get the results you want
- How to understand others’ megaformulas with ease
- How to debug any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do to find an error in the syntax
- What functions you must avoid on your megaformula
- The computer programmer’s 5-step megaformula building blueprint that will turbocharge your megaformula skills. You can use this roadmap as an alternative/complement of the 3-stage blueprint, two write or debug complex formulas
- The timing and mindset for researching new functions
- The simple criteria you must follow to choose the best functions for your megaformula. Stop using the wrong functions that will take you down the rabbit hole of errors and uncertainty
- and much more
The program will also give you enough context so you face the megaformula territory with confidence and effectiveness. Also, In this comprehensive Excel Formulas program, you will learn:
- The silent Excel behavior outsiders never notice, which every MF writer should know so they stop pulling their hair during errors and to reduce anxiety during the writing of long and complex formulas. If you want to go beyond level 3 of nesting with absolute confidence, then this is for you
- A simple two-step technique to find any untraceable error on any megaformula. Well, only those who are aware of the silent Excel behavior I mentioned above can perform this technique successfully
- 3 proven step-by-step nesting function techniques
- How to be aware of unknown and advanced functions. Learn how to organize the 477 Excel functions into powerful groups and stop asking, which functions should I use?
- Which functions can be nested together and which ones can’t be nested together. Yes, discover which are the good and bad associations you must avoid
- How to manage parentheses and commas
- How to figure out which formula would work best for your particular situation
- How to check the results of intermediate steps. Learn how to use this technique in the middle of the writing or during the editing process
- How to check the results of intermediate steps without creating intermediate columns that look unprofessional
- Quickly figure out why your nested IF formula does not work
- How to navigate a megaformula without messing it up. Learn how to easily position your cursor at the right spot to highlight the function, the arguments and how to select them without using the mouse so you never leave parenthesis out
- How to quickly copy any nested function without dealing with the error-prone manual parentheses selection. Get rid of the insecurity of incomplete parentheses during your copying and pasting operations
- How to simplify the writing and editing of complex and long formulas
- A simple keyboard shortcut to make long formulas easier to read
- Two commands to make a long formula shorter
- How to manage more than 3 IF conditions
- The two logical functions you can use to simplify IF megaformulas
- How to edit an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to make additions to an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to get a failed megaformula working
- The simple thing to do when a megaformula goes wrong
- What are the 6 common errors and how to solve them
- How to use the intellisense and tooltip tools to solve undefined/untraceable errors
- How to preserve a megaformula on copying and moving
- And much more!
What's different from other Excel formulas courses out there?
Most of the Excel formulas courses are all about memorizing functions and formulas. The MMF program will show you a proven 3-stage blueprint to build any complex formula. Also, the MMF program will show you how to think like a megaformulas guru, how to learn functions in a way that you can match them with your situations, and how to be absolutely confident with complex formulas from you and others.
You get access to the tools (megaformulas building blueprint) and the Excel fundamentals that will give you context and confidence to face challenging MF situations.
Other courses about formulas assume you know a lot of things. I don’t take anything for granted that you should know. I explain it the way it is done to a kid.
Who is the MMF blueprint for?
The MMF Blueprint is for intermediate or advanced Excel users who already have created basic/complex formulas and are looking for new ways to tweak their existing complex formulas for higher functionality, want to get more context to face complex formulas with confidence, or want to systematize their formulas knowledge and skills.
The MMF program is for professionals and consultants who want to systematize their knowledge to transform Excel from a normal spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool
What do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
After you enroll, you get instant access to:
15+ in-depth lessons
Concepts explained using annotated graphics, simple language and analogies everyone can understand
10+ Formulas workbooks
More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the program)
Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey
User and password
Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area
Megaformula building blueprint
Follow a proven blueprint that will get your complex formulas done
Email support
One year of email support
Lifetime access
Learn at your own pace at any time. No need to follow rigid schedules
Free updates
Get free access to updated and new lessons, bonuses, for one year
Access anytime, anywhere
Access the members' area on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac).
What else do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
Practical bonus #1 - The Excel Functions Finder (EFF)

I have synthesized the Microsoft Excel 2016, 2019 functions scattered help into one single database you can sort, filter, pivot, and enrich at your convenience (using the simple and familiar Excel filtering and list tools).
This handy workbook with a library of 477 Excel functions is for you if you want to…
- Find new Excel functions to improve your skills. Discover new functions by category, by data type, by version added, by name, by any keyword you type on the respective field filter text box
- Find out what can be done. Stop using the same functions that keep you stuck in a beginner level
- Discover how many Excel functions are in Excel 2016
- Discover the exact Excel version on which a function was added. You can know if your customers or peers will be able to use some fancy function you plan to use or finally find out why some functions cannot be used in your Excel version
- Discover the exact new category where some functions were relocated to. Newbies think some functions were deprecated but they are hidden in some function category
- Find out what types of data type each function retrieves so you know where they fit
- Keep track of new functions added in the upcoming versions of Excel
- …and much more!
Practical bonus #2 - How To Keep Your Megaformulas Free Of Errors

After 20 years of writing, editing and debugging really complex Excel formulas (megaformulas) for Civil Engineering, science, data cleaning, and database projects, I have synthesized the best practices to be free of the most common errors that plague these megaformulas.
This practical 20-page Excel Formulas best practice guide is for you if you want to…
- Know the simple parenthesis strategy that will avoid you unnecessary frustration with untraceable parentheses errors
- Know how to enter dates, texts, etc., in your complex formulas without crashing them
- Know the 5 elements that you should focus on to avoid almost 90% of the most common errors during formula writing, editing and debugging
- and much more…
Practical bonus #3 - 21 Megaformula Writing And Troubleshooting Strategies
These strategies will help you ensure that your megaformula is the best it can be, presented the best way it can be.
- new actionable Excel techniques to improve your existing megaformulas
- how to make your formulas shorter
- testing and debugging techniques
- how to simplify nested IFs
- a checklist to improve a megaformula
- …and much more!
One of the most fascinating things about this program is that develops the mindset to write complex formulas in Excel!
How much should you invest in this megaformula building blueprint?
Being able to synthesize Excel into a few simple principles and techniques is only possible due to my 10+ years of hard-earned experience creating and using real-world Excel applications, in a corporate environment.
If you can increase your confidence to put Excel megaformulas skills in your resume and get a promotion, get a high-paying job, how much would your current salary increase? 10%, 15% or more? That would add thousands of dollars each year to your pocket.
If you become a freelancer, you will able to earn $50, $100+ per gig. And if you are a consultant, you will be able to face new and bigger projects.
The MMF program won’t cost you $500.
The MMF program won’t cost you $300.
The MMF program won’t even cost you $200.
Today, you can start learning how to write, edit and fix complex Excel formulas for any project for just one payment of:
USD 147
USD 67
With a small investment, the Excel megaformulas skill will pay you back again and again.
If you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix complex long formulas, you will never be a full-fledged Excel user.
You risk nothing
If within 30 days of purchase, you follow and implement the megaformulas guide lessons and you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix megaformulas from you and others, or you don’t feel more confident to use the program, or if you simply didn’t like the material, just ask for a refund and you will get your money back, no questions asked.
I have been selling Excel infoproducts online since 2011 to thousands of professionals from around the world.
Just contact us (use the subject, ‘Refund’). I will take care of it.

How much time should I devote to learning?
To complete the MMF program, you should complete 20+ lessons. But you don’t need to study the entire program in one sitting.
You can read the lessons at your own pace and you can also skip the areas you are familiar with or that you want to study later.
No pressure teacher. No rigid schedules. Study at your own pace.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. We also accept PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Wire transfer.
When does the course start and finish?
The access to the course starts now and ends after one year! But it is a self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
The course site remembers your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off on any device. That means you can study a few lessons at work, then continue right where you left off on your tablet or home computer.
You can access the course site from your work or home computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with an internet connection.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have one year access to the course, support, and forum. If you want to renew your membership, you can do so at 75% off. You will receive an email prior expiration to let you know.
What Excel version do I need?
The program covers fundamentals that are common to all Excel versions.
Except for some version-specific functions, all the functions, formulas and techniques will work on any version of Excel for either Windows or Mac. I use Excel 2016 for Windows in my screen captures.
The bonus Excel functions finder (EFF) will show you the functions that are available on Excel 2016 and 2019 versions.
Can I access the lessons on my mobile device?
Yes, you can log in with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) and read or download the material. If you want to manipulate the workbooks, you might need an Excel app installed.
Of course, you can also log in with your computer or laptop (Windows or Mac).
Master of Megaformulas
"Imagine...You Can Bring The Excel Function Nesting Power To Its Knees!"
To professionals and consultants who want to transform Excel from a normal spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool
From: John Franco
At my desk. Monday, 8:15 PM
Dear friend,
Interestingly, the first scary megaformula I ever saw came from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2002. The spreadsheet from this arrogant Brazilian university professor impressed me so much because…
…his megaformulas transformed the grocery store list Excel workbook I knew into a
dynamic and powerful hydraulic simulator.
In the beginning, I was ashamed for understanding almost nothing about his complex formulas. I even resent him for not explaining the logic of his formulas. Anyway…although I never met him in person neither knew anything else about him, he gained my respect forever because he revealed to me what was truly possible with Excel.
His megaformulas scared me but also inspired me!
To progress in my career and gain the respect of my coworkers and boss, I realized that I should master the skill of crafting formulas to solve crucial business and industry problems.
The megaformulas he used were mystical because you always got more than you put in! Imagine a few functions extracting information from tables, making decisions, calculating dates, etc. Later, I realized that these functions were popular among the megaformulas experts elite.
But these fascinating megaformulas were scary…
…I was unable to even change any megaformula without breaking it because this powerful spreadsheet application was written in a language that only the professor and of course Excel understood.
I became obsessed with the functions he used and started to study them one by one: INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, IF, OR, INDIRECT, ADDRESS, etc. I deconstructed his Megaformulas. I put them on separate columns, I studied their arguments and logic one by one…
…I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I struggle for almost a year to understand these complex Excel formulas.
Right now, I don’t have a copy of such megaformulas to show you but I can tell you that they were so long that I needed to paste them in a text file to see the whole because Excel wrapped them in multiple lines on the formula bar (and the Excel formula bar at that time was not resizable).
After years of hard work and dedication, I figure it all out!
Writing complex formulas to solve real business problems is cumbersome
if you ignore some principles (and if you don’t follow a proven blueprint).
If you know that Excel has hundreds of functions but —when it comes to calculating— you are faced with questions like which function(s) should I use? How should I combine (or nest) them? Is there a way to write better formulas? How to make a formula fast, scalable, easy to understand and auditable?…
…or If you have some worksheets with very long formulas (nested IF-THEN-ELSE/AND/OR/VLOOKUP/INDIRECT, etc.) and most are a bear to get working.
And want to become comfortable and at ease with these long formulas, then this is great news for you!
Because I created my new Excel Formulas program, Master of Megaformulas – A 3-stage blueprint to write, edit and troubleshoot complex Excel formulas.
What Are Others Saying About The Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint?
This is one step closer to my dream Excel learning idea: a set of Lego-like puzzle pieces that can be discretely moved around to fit the various possible configurations such as, the Range object and the Range property for example. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Thanks for all you do. Best Regards,

I got through the document and learned some new ways to think about formulas. Also looking forward to your upcoming chapters!...
Thanks again!

The MMF is not only for Excel learners but also for masters to help improve understanding methodically.
3 new things I learned: 1. The importance of order of operators and parenthesis. This is very important for Mega formula construction and accuracy of the results. 2. Using the function wizard for finding bugs or errors in mega formulas and also to compute intermediate results of a function used in large formulas. 3. The simple techniques to build effective mega formulas (one example being how to remove external references in a mega formulas quickly)
3 doubts/fears I removed: 1. Managing spreadsheets with Mega formula or nested formulas was a painful exercise, particularly when those excel workbooks were created by someone else. Now I know the techniques to deal with them thank you John. 2. Index and Match formulas were always tough for me to understand, MMF had made it really simple and easy to realize the power of these two functions together. 3. Nesting function itself was a complex thing earlier. Now I have much better clarity about nesting formulas due to the tip to see excel functions as connectors and arguments as ports (this simple analogy brings so much clarity).
I am already working on a spreadsheet now to use index and match to populate results/calculations automatically. I am also planning to merge few workbooks as a single workbook by using the technique of removal of external references. I will also use the bonus function library provided towards this.
The simplicity of your language with perfect analogies can only be found in your books/courses. The workbooks provided are also very useful to practically see the impact of a MMF. Thank you for yet another gem from In short a must-have course for any Excel user. Please have a great day. Regards

What Are You Going To Learn In The Master Of Megaformulas Blueprint?
- How to guide your thinking along the megaformula building process
- How to build any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do (stop researching or typing any function before you get this first thing right), how to find the exact functions for your situation, the right time to focus on logic, etc.
- How to understand other megaformulas with ease
- How to debug any complex formula in 3 simple stages. Discover what’s the first thing you should do (stop researching or changing any argument before you get this first thing right), how to find the source of error without frustration, etc.
- What functions you must avoid on your megaformula
- The computer programmer’s 5-step megaformula building blueprint that will turbocharge your megaformula skills. You can use this roadmap as an alternative of the 3-stage blueprint, two write or debug complex formulas
- The timing for researching new functions
- The simple criteria you must follow to choose the best functions for your megaformula. Stop using the wrong functions that will take you down the rabbit hole of errors and uncertainty
- and much more
- The silent Excel behavior outsiders never notice, which every MF writer should know so they stop pulling their hair during errors and to reduce anxiety during the writing of long and complex formulas. If you want to go beyond level 3 of nesting with absolute confidence, then this is for you
- A simple two-step technique to find any untraceable error on any megaformula. Well, only those who are aware of the silent Excel behavior I mentioned above can perform this technique successfully
- 3 proven step-by-step nesting function techniques
- How to be aware of unknown and advanced functions. Learn how to organize the 477 Excel functions into powerful groups and stop asking, which functions should I use?
- Which functions can be nested together and which ones can’t be nested together. Yes, discover which are the good and bad associations you must avoid
- How to manage parentheses and commas
- How to figure out which formula would work best for your particular situation
- How to check the results of intermediate steps. Learn how to use this technique in the middle of the writing or during the editing process
- How to check the results of intermediate steps without creating intermediate columns that look unprofessional
- Quickly figure out why your nested IF formula does not work
- How to navigate a megaformula without messing it up. Learn how to easily position your cursor at the right spot to highlight the function, the arguments and how to select them without using the mouse so you never leave parenthesis out
- How to quickly copy any nested function without dealing with the error-prone manual parentheses selection. Get rid of the insecurity of incomplete parentheses during your copying and pasting operations
- How to simplify the writing and editing of complex and long formulas
- A simple keyboard shortcut to make long formulas easier to read
- Two commands to make a long formula shorter
- How to manage more than 3 IF conditions
- The two logical functions you can use to simplify IF megaformulas
- How to edit an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to make additions to an existing megaformula without breaking it
- How to get a failed megaformula working
- The simple thing to do when a megaformula goes wrong
- What are the 6 common errors and how to solve them
- How to use the intellisense and tooltip tools to solve undefined/untraceable errors
- How to preserve a megaformula on copying and moving
- And much more!
What's different from other Excel formulas courses out there?
Most of the Excel formulas courses are all about memorizing functions and formulas. The MMF program will show you a proven 3-stage blueprint to build any complex formula. Also, the MMF program will show you how to think like a megaformulas guru, how to learn functions in a way that you can match them with your situations, and how to be absolutely confident with complex formulas from you and others.
You get access to the tools (megaformulas building blueprint) and the Excel fundamentals that will give you context and confidence to face challenging MF situations.
Other courses about formulas assume you know a lot of things. I don’t take anything for granted that you should know. I explain it the way it is done to a kid.
Who is the MMF blueprint for?
The MMF Blueprint is for intermediate or advanced Excel users who already have created basic/complex formulas and are looking for new ways to tweak their existing complex formulas for higher functionality, want to get more context to face complex formulas with confidence, or want to systematize their formulas knowledge and skills.
What do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
After you enroll, you get instant access to:
15+ in-depth lessons
Concepts explained using annotated graphics, simple language and analogies everyone can understand
10+ Formulas workbooks
More than 10 practice Workbook files in xlsx format (the same ones used in the program)
Post your projects on the forums and get feedback from me and other members on your same journey. Also, hone your skills by helping others in their Excel guru journey
User and password
Email with a username and a password to access the private members' area
Megaformula building blueprint
Follow a proven blueprint that will get your complex formulas done
Email support
One year of email support
Lifetime access
Learn at your own pace at any time. No need to follow rigid schedules
Free updates
Get free access to updated and new lessons, bonuses, for one year
Access anytime, anywhere
Access the members' area on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac).
What else do you get when you enroll in the MMF program?
Practical bonus #1 - The Excel Functions Finder (EFF)

I have synthesized the Microsoft Excel 2016, 2019 functions scattered help into one single database you can sort, filter, pivot, and enrich at your convenience (using the simple and familiar Excel filtering and list tools).
This handy workbook with a library of 477 Excel functions is for you if you want to…
- Find new Excel functions to improve your skills. Discover new functions by category, by data type, by version added, by name, by any keyword you type on the respective field filter text box
- Find out what can be done. Stop using the same functions that keep you stuck in a beginner level
- Discover how many Excel functions are in Excel 2016
- Discover the exact Excel version on which a function was added. You can know if your customers or peers will be able to use some fancy function you plan to use or finally find out why some functions cannot be used in your Excel version
- Discover the exact new category where some functions were relocated to. Newbies think some functions were deprecated but they are hidden in some function category
- Find out what types of data type each function retrieves so you know where they fit
- Keep track of new functions added in the upcoming versions of Excel
- …and much more!
Practical bonus #2 - How To Keep Your Megaformulas Free Of Errors

After 20 years of writing, editing and debugging really complex Excel formulas (megaformulas) for Civil Engineering, science, data cleaning, and database projects, I have synthesized the best practices to be free of the most common errors that plague these megaformulas.
This practical 20-page Excel Formulas best practice guide is for you if you want to…
- Know the simple parenthesis strategy that will avoid you unnecessary frustration with untraceable parentheses errors
- Know how to enter dates, texts, etc., in your complex formulas without crashing them
- Know the 5 elements that you should focus on to avoid almost 90% of the most common errors during formula writing, editing and debugging
- and much more…
Practical bonus #3 - 21 Megaformula Writing And Troubleshooting Strategies
These strategies will help you ensure that your megaformula is the best it can be, presented the best way it can be.
- new actionable Excel techniques to improve your existing megaformulas
- how to make your formulas shorter
- testing and debugging techniques
- how to simplify nested IFs
- a checklist to improve a megaformula
- …and much more!
One of the most fascinating things about this program is that develops the mindset to write complex formulas in Excel!
How much should you invest in this megaformula building blueprint?
Being able to synthesize Excel into a few simple principles and techniques is only possible due to my 10+ years of hard-earned experience creating and using real-world Excel applications, in a corporate environment.
If you can increase your confidence to put Excel megaformulas skills in your resume and get a promotion, get a high-paying job, how much would your current salary increase? 10%, 15% or more? That would add thousands of dollars each year to your pocket.
If you become a freelancer, you will able to earn $50, $100+ per gig. And if you are a consultant, you will be able to face new and bigger projects.
The MMF program won’t cost you $500.
The MMF program won’t cost you $300.
The MMF program won’t even cost you $200.
Today, you can start learning how to write, edit and fix complex Excel formulas for any project for just one payment of:
USD 147
USD 67
With a small investment, the Excel megaformulas skill will pay you back again and again.
If you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix complex long formulas, you will never be a full-fledged Excel user.
You risk nothing
If within 30 days of purchase, you follow and implement the megaformulas guide lessons and you don’t learn how to write, edit and fix megaformulas from you and others, or you don’t feel more confident to use the program, or if you simply didn’t like the material, just ask for a refund and you will get your money back, no questions asked.
I have been selling Excel infoproducts online since 2011 to thousands of professionals from around the world.
Just contact us (use the subject, ‘Refund’). I will take care of it.
Enroll now and learn once for all how to write, edit and fix megaformulas.
How much time should I devote to learning?
To complete the MMF program, you should complete 20+ lessons. But you don’t need to study the entire program in one sitting.
You can read the lessons at your own pace and you can also skip the areas you are familiar with or that you want to study later.
No pressure teacher. No rigid schedules. Study at your own pace.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. We also accept PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Wire transfer.
When does the course start and finish?
The access to the course starts now and ends whenever you like because is a self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
The course site remembers your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off on any device. That means you can study a few lessons at work, then continue right where you left off on your tablet or home computer.
You can access the course site from your work or home computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with an internet connection.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the course
What Excel version do I need?
The program covers fundamentals that are common to all Excel versions.
Except for some version-specific functions, all the functions, formulas and techniques will work on any version of Excel for either Windows or Mac. I use Excel 2016 for Windows in my screen captures.
The bonus Excel functions finder (EFF) will show you the functions that are available on Excel 2016 and 2019 versions.
Can I access the lessons on my mobile device?
Yes, you can log in with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) and read or download the material. If you want to manipulate the workbooks, you might need an Excel app installed.
Of course, you can also log in with your computer or laptop (Windows or Mac).
Excel Formula Tips Worth Using after Today
Hi ,
You will love the Excel Formulas tactics I have for you today As I said you in a past communication, you will hear about me from time to time; only when an idea worth spreading pop up in my mind. That’s the reason why I am talking to you now {!name}.
I want to share with you some productive Excel Formula tips…
Who else would like to hear desperate peers calling you {!name}, {!name}…help me with this assignment. They have listened to your boss and other colleagues talking about your expertise with Excel formulas and reports.
Mastering Excel Formulas = Excel Expert.
A professional who is an Excel expert becomes more productive and so he gets promotions and earns more money than their peers.
This is likely to happen {!name}, if you practice these tips on a constant basis. You will become better and better at Writing Excel Formulas. Here we go…
Be creative
Before you write an Excel formula, you should know the different functions that Excel possesses. This way you have a rich toolbox that inspire you solutions. Imagine you have an opportunity to take a unique picture, maybe you see an UFO and you don’t have a camera. Sorry {!name}, you miss the fame! The fact is that you must equip with a camera (with flash, with a good case, etc) before you need to use it.
Equally, you should acquire the knowledge of the most used Excel Functions before you need it. So when the urgency arises, you have a toolbox to pick tools from. And you will take a better picture if you have grasped how to use the camera (how to turn it on, how to focus, how to shoot at night, etc) before the shooting moment.
So master Excel functions first, even if you don’t have an immediate need now. Later you will surprise yourself how many uses you find, how many solutions you create for your Excel formulas. How to grasp a function? Read about each function, see examples and create your own cases.
Where to find information? Excel help is a good start, but for some users is confusing. You can learn Excel Functions the fun way
The better you know a function, the most creative uses you will give them in your formulas.
Use reverse engineering
In Excel; alternatives for a solution are infinite, you need to keep the focus on a solution and implement it. There is no such thing as a correct solution. You will develop with time, the capacity to remove the obvious so you build more elegant solutions. At the beginning you need to build formulas that work.
When you want to buy a house, you know that you need to make a loan, buy a land, hire an architect, etc. The bank asks you to have other requisites, etc. Your end result is buying the house, you put it as a goal but first you go for each requisite separately. Then, after you have all the requisites ready, you start building the house. The same happens when building a complex formula.
Here are some suggestions to use reverse engineering on your Excel formulas…
- Start from the end
- Break into smaller parts
- Choose the methods you are more familiar with
- Develop the formula in small chunks you can assemble later
This technique is most effective when you have a good background of Excel Functions
Start small
Motivation is lost when you start too big and fail. Failures are normal and you should expect them if you want to move forward in life. With time you will build upon those small stepping stones and the knowledge you get will allow you to do bigger things, easier, faster.
This happens only with time and practice.
By starting small, you won’t be disappointed, you will feel progress. Starting small does not mean you think small, by doing small steps at the beginning you pass inertia and after that, the momentum is built and you can move forward faster.
Instead of setting a goal like master all the lookup formulas, set a goal like: master Vlookup this month, or even smaller like understanding the lookup_value argument of the Vlookup function. Time will pass and you will add bits of knowledge to your store that later snowball.
Test your Excel formula
Cumulative effects of not testing a formula may ruin your credibility and confidence in your work. As you later use formulas in other formulas, you won’t be able to know where the errors reside. With time, your spreadsheets may turn into unusable. A waste of time
I make the calculation by hand and then compare with Excel, I do this every time I learn a new function. This increases my confidence to use it in the middle of another formula.
The most basic of the formulas like this one: =A1*A2/A may give you headaches. One of the input A1 or A2 may contain a number stored as text, etc. Another way to test is by comparing the formula partial results. For example: you can check the formula =IF(A4-A3<=2,A4-A3,(A4-A3-2)*-1)
By checking the condition: A4-A3<=2 in a cell apart, and this way each part of the formula. And the best way to test a formula is to implement it under realistic conditions before you release it to the world. With this you will avoid surprises.
Optimize your Excel formula
A long formulas is not good to read, edit and maintain so to turn such formula into an efficient piece of code, break it into smaller parts. This also gives you control over the results.
For example, this formula: =IF(AND(C2=”HP”,B2>10000,B2<100000,TEXT(YEAR(D2),”0″)=”2005″),6%,”Not applicable”) could be break into this manageable version: =IF(D2,6%,”Not applicable”)
Where D2 contains this formula: =AND(C2=”HP”,B2>10000,B2<100000,TEXT(YEAR(D2),”0″)=”2005″)
After you finish writing a formula, it is copied down, right or in any direction through the sheet. Some inputs remain on the same cells, other ones running along a row or column, you should use relative reference extensively (by pressing F4 in editing mode; you can write the $ by hand).
- =A1. It changes as you copy your formula.
- =$A$1. It always points to the same cell A1
- =$A1. It always points the column A; you can only have A1, A12222, etc
- =A$1. It always points to the row 1; you can only have A1, B1, F1, etc
Another important way to optimize your formulas is to avoid at all costs to hard code their arguments, because of two main reasons:
- You easily lose track of the hard coded numbers
- You need to edit each formula separately instead of just changing the inputs in hub cells
Finally, use Excel names instead of references, this is the way an Excel formula would match a real formula. What is more readable: =A1*A2/A or =base*height/2
I hope these tips help you to improve your Excel formula writing skills
John Franco
Boost your Excel Skills and you’ll Boost your Career